It would be awful, godawful in fact, if a President through sloppiness allowed dangerous weapons or materiel to fall into enemy hands.

I hope they prevented Trump from permitting $85 billion of highest grade weaponry (and cash) from falling into enemy hands because, you know, that would be unthinkable.


And we must never let that shite happen.

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Amen. And liberal voters would never understand the purpose of your comment. They have horrible reading comprehension. Which is probably why they keep voting for true fascists while claiming to be anti-fascists. LOL

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By "nuclear," my bet is that the leaker didn't literally mean "nuclear weapons" but more like -- if Trump released the evidence it would be like Trump "going nuclear" against ... well, one can probably guess whom he might go nuclear against.

So the leaker was speaking colloquially, and the dimwits at WaPo thought they were being literal, and here we are.

The "nuclear" part might be whatever those photographs are ... but given the proximity of this story to Epstein, anything is possible.

Watch them try to charge Trump with possession of chyI'dprøn because he had pictures of [REDACTED] diddling a little girl...

The funniest part is, somehow these people are supposed to be our "elites."

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None of Trump’s attorneys were present to see and agree to the list so FIB could easily plant or say that a certain document was in one of the boxes! If you trust FIB or DOJ - good luck! And the President CAN DECLASSIFY ANYTHING HE WANTS!

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So why did they bother Melanie’s wardrobe?

I hope she has everything cleaned thoroughly.

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So they would not think that if Trump wanted to hide something that he could do it in one of the guest rooms? These people are not even as smart as The 3 Stooges at this point. It boils down to the FBI can lie to a judge and get a warrant. ‘Nuclear’ information? Get real. If they THOUGHT he had any dangerous nuclear information they wouldn’t have WAITED to go in. They are so transparent without being transparent in their information sharing. The bigger problem is, will anything be done to the people involved n this abuse of the judicial system to go after political opponents? It is so disgusting. And the media know full well what this is about.

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DOJ under Garland cannot be trusted to be honest, ethical, or even legal in their actions. I trust sushi from a gas station being ok before I trust any of these administration cronies. Garland is an angry old man butt-hurt he’s not on Supreme Court.

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simple minded comment. i find it hard to believe Trump would have shown anyone what those documents were his ego is huge but ?? do you find that too?

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