I'm bummed no one has commented on this. I know there are many distractions in the Schnews, so...understandable. However, this is MAJOR if/when it happens. I can see insurance companies dropping you OR charging you more because you are unvaxxed. Perhaps refusal of service. Perhaps pay more taxes. What we need to see is...what I'd LOVE to see is...in peoples obituaries - did they have the vax? Fully boosted? Etc. I see SO MANY friends on FB who post about sudden cancers, sudden unexplained illness causing hospitalizations with no answers to why. And cancer diagnosis is off the charts. Thanks for this info Kyle.

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I believe most people are getting overwhelmed by all of the info coming at them so quickly now, as if they are drinking from a firehose, and are not/have not been trained nor disciplined enough to know how to remain objective and compartmentalize, organize, and prioritize to optimize their own and their loved one's best possible future...anyway, I knew at the beginning of all of this, when Microsoft updated windows in April of 2020 with all sorts of new contact tracing, listening, phone pairing, and other backdoor surveillance tools for more data than ever before...our HIPAA rights were trashed in the name of preventing or containing COVID, yet they let millions in unvaxxed and unwell through the southern border, so it's never been about our health, and people were so slow to wake up from the fear perpetuated from the msm, that I had to back off from more than half of my family, whom are either now dead from the vaxxes, or asking me questions about what to do now to get rid of the deadly spike protein...sigh...meanwhile, all of our so-called checks and balances or regulations or fail safes have been infiltrated, rendering them useless, and judges are paid off or blackmailed, so we wait on the Universal call from the Holy Spirit, to stand up and stop allowing this horrible travesty against humanity...it will come, and it will be all of us around the world all at once, and it will be swift and that's what the elites are truly afraid of...and have no power to stop it - even if they try to hide underground...if you have not joined a group to fight for election integrity, impeaching judges, or assisting in campaigns for good causes yet, please get involved and keep preparing for a 2 month supply of everything you would need in case of a disaster.

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Understandably this is more information in an already overwhelming situation, yet it is vital and this needs to get out to the public immediately.

The ramifications of this unnecessary tracking will effect may of us who used critical thinking skills and said stick your genocide jabs.

They will come after you in all ways possible, until you submit. Like banks accounts

being frozen, travel restrictions, increased ins premiums and so on.

My suggestion is to stay out of their deadly matrix by forgoing all allopathic sick care, hospitals and ER’s . Find a good Naturopathic doc, start taking responsibility for your health, get off harmacuiticles, eat real non gmo foods, drink pure water. Learn how to heal and cure your body with natural remedies, excerise, get some sunshine, take advantage of natural supplements, like Vitamin D3/K2, Zinc, Vitamic C and so on.

God gave us literally everything we need to heal and stay healthy, take the time you look into them and use them. In the end we can beat this medical tyranny and come out healthier than ever!

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Why is there no mention to those with natural immunity? People with natural immunity have antibodies just like those vaxed - why are we discriminating against these individuals?

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How the hell do they track the unvaxxed? Do our doctors rat us out??

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