With the US Govt just as much to blame they will do what they always do. Cover it up. Gaslight everyone. Blame others. Wait til people stop asking questions. Then do it again.
Remember 9/11? The neocon wish for a New Pearl Harbor (Ref: PNAC document) that would give them free reign to destroy some countries in the Middle East and Africa? How convenient 9/11 came along at just the right time!
And now we are to believe that the Wuhan "lab leak" just happened to come along at the right time to enable BigPharma to introduce mRNA technology and sell billions worth of it. How convenient the "lab leak" also came along at just the right time!! The world is just filled with convenient coincidences!
The US Gov't didn't hand China bioweapon technology - they handed them the goods that would ensure China would be the hapless dupes that took the blame for Covid-19. We all remember it's orginal name.... "the Wuhan virus".... Meanwhile, back at the DOD, DARPA, BARDA ranch....the real bioweapon - the mRNA "vaccine" was already in the works. Interesting - and so convenient - that we have a virus origin "whistleblower" come out of the woodwork just as Twitter is unblocking all those who were banned for posting Covid and Covid vax truths. Just as we are getting increasingly alarming information about vax injuries, turbo cancers, embalmers pulling huge fibrous clots out of the dead - and most importantly - sigma level increases in all-cause mortality - that started *after* the mRNA bioweapon was unleashed on humanity. This is an intentional mis-direction psy op courtesy of the US DOD. We won't be fooled again.....................
Right you are. The normies are fixin' to choke down en masse on that big ole red pill concerning what's really in store for the vaxxed - whether they like it or not. A scapegoat from Wuhan will be needed to focus their rage. "They" will also get their signature dual purpose mileage out of it in this exercise of turning the US public sentiment against China, so they can gear "The Empire" up for war. Their warmongering shit ain't panning out like they hoped it would in Ukraine, and a "war economy" is still required to keep it all from collapsing. So here we are....
Wow. Thanks for this article. "The epidemiologist said China’s gain-of-function experiments - carried out with shoddy biosecurity - led to a lab leak at the US-funded Wuhan Institute of Virology." -- this has been my thought from the beginning with Fauci front & center in charge of another one of his evil plans.
Are you aware that your emails, and those of others offering similar viewpoints challenging the “approved narrative”, seem to be increasingly routed to junk mail folders? Maybe just coincidence, but coincidences in this direction seem to be happening with increasing frequency these days. Anyone else experiencing the same?
Strange question to ask.
With the US Govt just as much to blame they will do what they always do. Cover it up. Gaslight everyone. Blame others. Wait til people stop asking questions. Then do it again.
Remember 9/11? The neocon wish for a New Pearl Harbor (Ref: PNAC document) that would give them free reign to destroy some countries in the Middle East and Africa? How convenient 9/11 came along at just the right time!
And now we are to believe that the Wuhan "lab leak" just happened to come along at the right time to enable BigPharma to introduce mRNA technology and sell billions worth of it. How convenient the "lab leak" also came along at just the right time!! The world is just filled with convenient coincidences!
Thanks Kyle, however the key is not the virus, but the vxx depopulation agenda response. All the threads need to be pulled back for that villian.
The US government is not going to do a damned thing about it because they are complicit.
The US Gov't didn't hand China bioweapon technology - they handed them the goods that would ensure China would be the hapless dupes that took the blame for Covid-19. We all remember it's orginal name.... "the Wuhan virus".... Meanwhile, back at the DOD, DARPA, BARDA ranch....the real bioweapon - the mRNA "vaccine" was already in the works. Interesting - and so convenient - that we have a virus origin "whistleblower" come out of the woodwork just as Twitter is unblocking all those who were banned for posting Covid and Covid vax truths. Just as we are getting increasingly alarming information about vax injuries, turbo cancers, embalmers pulling huge fibrous clots out of the dead - and most importantly - sigma level increases in all-cause mortality - that started *after* the mRNA bioweapon was unleashed on humanity. This is an intentional mis-direction psy op courtesy of the US DOD. We won't be fooled again.....................
Right you are. The normies are fixin' to choke down en masse on that big ole red pill concerning what's really in store for the vaxxed - whether they like it or not. A scapegoat from Wuhan will be needed to focus their rage. "They" will also get their signature dual purpose mileage out of it in this exercise of turning the US public sentiment against China, so they can gear "The Empire" up for war. Their warmongering shit ain't panning out like they hoped it would in Ukraine, and a "war economy" is still required to keep it all from collapsing. So here we are....
Wow. Thanks for this article. "The epidemiologist said China’s gain-of-function experiments - carried out with shoddy biosecurity - led to a lab leak at the US-funded Wuhan Institute of Virology." -- this has been my thought from the beginning with Fauci front & center in charge of another one of his evil plans.
Are you aware that your emails, and those of others offering similar viewpoints challenging the “approved narrative”, seem to be increasingly routed to junk mail folders? Maybe just coincidence, but coincidences in this direction seem to be happening with increasing frequency these days. Anyone else experiencing the same?