Yeah and I read just this week that a chiropractor is being sued or losing his license or something like that because he was selling vitamin D supplements for covid. I mean, what the hell!
Yes! His name is Dr. Eric Nepute ("Neh-poo-tee"). Dr. David Martin did a video on this egregious prosecution and persecution of Dr. Nepute. If you could watch this video,, and share??
Kyle, thank you. May I ask that you watch this video on this topic: and share? This is a malicious prosecution by -- yet again -- the criminal thugs in the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate, a.k.a. the U.S. government.
Dr. Zelenko was advocating for the treatment of c19 with ivermection and vit.d3 since early 2021. One reason he was banned from twatter. If there was a cheap, ready protocal for c19 then there could be no EUA...these pushers of the poison jab belong in prison for life...
Yeah and I read just this week that a chiropractor is being sued or losing his license or something like that because he was selling vitamin D supplements for covid. I mean, what the hell!
Yes! His name is Dr. Eric Nepute ("Neh-poo-tee"). Dr. David Martin did a video on this egregious prosecution and persecution of Dr. Nepute. If you could watch this video,, and share??
It was always about profit/power/control and with no early treatment options a way to get EUA. It’s been a scam from the beginning.
Of course. As usual when trying to get to the bottom of things it’s best to “follow the money”...
Kyle, thank you. May I ask that you watch this video on this topic: and share? This is a malicious prosecution by -- yet again -- the criminal thugs in the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate, a.k.a. the U.S. government.
Dr. Zelenko was advocating for the treatment of c19 with ivermection and vit.d3 since early 2021. One reason he was banned from twatter. If there was a cheap, ready protocal for c19 then there could be no EUA...these pushers of the poison jab belong in prison for life...
Could only wish "Covid vaccination and expensive treatments Big Pharma dismissed out-of-hand during the pandemic."!
No money in it for big pharma and their legion of bought off scum.
Big Pharma is also bought off: