That Congress is so corrupted & beholden to lobbyists and special interests that it took this kind of showdown to all “the people” to actually be heard indicates the depths of its malfeasance

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I am cautiously optimistic, very, very cautiously.

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It means nothing. Anything, IF anything, that gets done in the House still has to pass the Senate, which it won't. McCarthy took over speaker's office days ago. Wheeled in $10K worth of champagne last night--on our dime. Deal was done weeks ago; this was all theatrics to ensure re-election.

I expect lots of barks but no bites. Uniparty.

Dems are laughing their heads off.

GOP had better grab a copy of Dems' playbook, because they are running away with it.

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House Rules don’t need Senate approval. Tyrant Pelosi made changes to the House Rules on a whim with no other approval than her dictate.

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not so fast: look up "motion to vacate", a founding principle of America’s representative democracy and legislative process that holds the Speaker of the House accountable and makes the position a fireable one, because Pelosi’s totalitarian version of the "motion to vacate" is struck - https://ussanews.com/2023/01/08/here-are-kevin-mccarthys-house-rules-the-new-118th-congress-will-vote-up-or-down-on-monday/

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This was primarily about abortion? Disgusting! Why are "Evangelicals" (Calvinist slavers) permitted to be the dictators?

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Not everyone thinks like he does. It was childish and he was just trying to make a name for himself. They are all the same.

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“A bill to prohibit the Secretary of Energy from sending petroleum products from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China, and for other purposes.”

I don’t have an in depth level of knowledge on the oil markets, but it was my belief that they get sold onto the world oil markets. Once there how do we control where they go?

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Money... money... money... waste is coming.

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