“Robert F. Kennedy Jr., sone of former President John F. Kennedy, announced this week that he will join the 2024 presidential race as a Democrat.”

Isn’t he the son or Robert Kennedy?

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Yes, son of Robert Kennedy!!!!

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Yes, was just going to say the same thing. Old enough to remember both RJK Sr & JFK. And their assassinations. Also, JFK Jr's.

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Robert Kennedy JR. is the NEPHEW of President John F. Kennedy.

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Biden should already be hung!

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We should all be questioning why it is taking so long to open up public hearings on Hunter laptop, 10% to the Big Guy, what did opposing Governments get for paying the Biden's and how has it impacted the USA's and its Citizen's National Security.

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At this point, we can only hope nature takes it course with his increasingly bad health. Previous brain issues, definite signs of dementia, maybe soon a complete slobberfest, DNC won’t be able to parade his sorry a$$ around. No wonder no debates.

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Sock puppet Senator Strom Thurmond was eulogized by JB in 2003 at 100 years old. He died in his sleep and like Biden shared the same opinions as good segregationists. They also shared in allegations from women who claim they were inappropriately touched. Just like Thurmond, JB will be virtually carried in to do whatever destruction necessary to take America down. He is a Dem icon.

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Sadly, true

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Democracy dies in the darkness!

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Democracy dies with eyes wide open. The crimes have been exposed. The willingness not to pursue corruption is when democracy dies. Only because the elected are unwilling to confront and prosecute Their own.

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They would be better off with Biden in a coma.

That way he couldn't mess anything up.

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He's not making any decisions now and he hasn't been since he was installed, like a toilet, over 2 years ago.

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I don’t believe he will run. His mental condition is obvious to most. He will be nudged away by Deep State. Recent Mike Morel’s statement under oath is just an early shot at the Biden ship. They know all his secrets and will threaten him with public revelations. He will drop out.

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Biden is the “Dog King” of whoever is currently ruling America. A “Dog king” is an actual dog (the animal) that tyrants install to rule over people they despise. By installing a dog as king, tyrants are in effect saying, “You people are weak and powerless. To show our utter disdain for you, we will make this cocker spaniel your ruler, and there is nothing you can do to stop us.” Our ruling tyrants didn’t stop there, they also installed Levine, Buttigieg, & Myorkas... Dog Kings all. Utterly worthless and incompetent boobs. Biden is not making a personal decision to run. He hardly knows where he is most days. He is being kept alive and told what to do, so that he can be installed again as America’s Dog King.

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Bobby has to ditch Malone or I won't support him.

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But you can’t have Camelot without knights.

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So at this point in time it appears as though the plan is to try and install the puppet pedophile for another term. I find it hard to believe that they think they can keep propping him up for a few hours here and there to keep up appearances.

This looks more like they don't have a plan B right now that jettisons both Biden and Harris to make way for someone like Newsom.

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All said, in the end it will be God’s will.

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When did Xi become a god?

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