I would add, from the national archives own website, this:

“Fifty-eight year old Sandy Berger, the former National Security Adviser under the Clinton Administration, illegally took classified documents from the National Archives on more than one occasion. During his visits to the Archives, it was determined that Berger folded the documents in his clothes, walked out of the National Archives building in Washington, D.C., and placed them under a nearby construction trailer for retrieval later on. Two years later Berger was sentenced to 100 hours of community service and probation and fined $50,000. He also also had to pay $6,905 for the administrative costs of his two-year probation. Berger also lost his security clearance and license to practice law.”

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Well done! This is all going to come out in the wash. The American Public needs to clean house at all the three letter agencies. If agents lack character, integrity, and moral fiber they should not be where they are!

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Easier said than done. Trump tried and this is where it got him.

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It ain’t over till it’s over!

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All due respect but this is ridiculous. If something was so damning to the FBI and DOJ why not make it public while in office and clean house? I keep hearing stuff like this and nothing ever comes of it. Ever.

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We, the governed, will suffer for the criminal acts of the regimes, left untouched, so as to protect the guilty from accountability and justice. Projection, obfuscation, falsehoods, tyranny. Now. This.

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Anonymous government employees and Newsweek? I wouldn’t trust or believe any of that! But the FIB trying to cover their butts…possibly? But now they have to unseal the warrant…so will that be on it? Or will they cite the “presidential records act”…but they haven’t done this to any other Presidents

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investigative reporter George Webb points to an unusual but probable link to former Deputy National Security Aide Matt Pottinger - https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/trump-raid-smoking-guns-pottingers

something's rotten in Washington, DC (paraphrasing).

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Covid and Trump are going to relaunch Hollywood.

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Another tyrannical move from this administration. Obama weaponized and now Biden as a puppet to Obama/Rice is continuing the destruction of our Republic.

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