The Attorney General declares he sees no evidence of "widespread" election fraud. Regular Americans testifying at states' hearings saw it up-close-and-personal.
Kyle- excellent work... based on what you and others have been reporting, especially looking at what Trump has gone thru the last 4 years...and the complete inaction of the swamp in properly auditing the election in the disputed 6 States, we're obviously in uncharted waters. The solution required to fix the present problem clearly is not a conventional one- neither the legislative branch nor the Court system evokes confidence and the outcome from them either way is likely to cause major conflict. The Swamp is just running out the clock and I don't see another reliable way to get real answers that 90+ million people deserve(Trump voters and the percentage of Dem voters that probably would agree Trump got jobbed...)
Trump must go "Braveheart" on the swamp by declaring "Operation Election Integrity" on the 6 States. By declaring that the military is to be used to oversee a complete audit in the 6 States due to National Security, it the only way to ensure a final safe and reliable result with real election auditing and the ability arrest or seize(Lincoln did this to keep the Union together) if needed...although is not the primary goal. We the people just want to know what happened.
Irrespective of the active ongoing legal cases & dates of Dec 8th, & 14th, reviewing at all the declarations & evidence and it continues to pour in, and the likely outside influence of other Countries via voting machines, a State of National Security must be stated. We must get to the bottom of this!
I truly believe this has been going on for years, President Trump is the first to call bullshit!! At his point I don't care about the outcome. As an underpaid overworked, law-abiding lower to middle class america I demand the truth. It really scares me that the left is not demanding the same. They are spending taxpayer money to fight transparency in court.. they are using my tax dollars to keep me from seeing what I should be able to see. I don't care what side your on, if your not demanding the truth from your elected officials, your helping to hide it.
This absolutely should win the "Best Headline" of the last hundred years!
Kyle- excellent work... based on what you and others have been reporting, especially looking at what Trump has gone thru the last 4 years...and the complete inaction of the swamp in properly auditing the election in the disputed 6 States, we're obviously in uncharted waters. The solution required to fix the present problem clearly is not a conventional one- neither the legislative branch nor the Court system evokes confidence and the outcome from them either way is likely to cause major conflict. The Swamp is just running out the clock and I don't see another reliable way to get real answers that 90+ million people deserve(Trump voters and the percentage of Dem voters that probably would agree Trump got jobbed...)
Trump must go "Braveheart" on the swamp by declaring "Operation Election Integrity" on the 6 States. By declaring that the military is to be used to oversee a complete audit in the 6 States due to National Security, it the only way to ensure a final safe and reliable result with real election auditing and the ability arrest or seize(Lincoln did this to keep the Union together) if needed...although is not the primary goal. We the people just want to know what happened.
Irrespective of the active ongoing legal cases & dates of Dec 8th, & 14th, reviewing at all the declarations & evidence and it continues to pour in, and the likely outside influence of other Countries via voting machines, a State of National Security must be stated. We must get to the bottom of this!
I truly believe this has been going on for years, President Trump is the first to call bullshit!! At his point I don't care about the outcome. As an underpaid overworked, law-abiding lower to middle class america I demand the truth. It really scares me that the left is not demanding the same. They are spending taxpayer money to fight transparency in court.. they are using my tax dollars to keep me from seeing what I should be able to see. I don't care what side your on, if your not demanding the truth from your elected officials, your helping to hide it.
I fear this is going to get violent.