Except for the terminally brainwashed it's collapsed a while ago.

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Agreed. I lost friends back in the Spring/Summer of 2020 because I couldn't stifle my opinion about how incompetently our CDC/FDA/NIH and congress handled this pandemic. I'll give Trump and Biden a bit of a pass in that they were trusting the government officials, but by the time Joe started his mandates, he should have known better.

I will continue to voice my opinion that no US government official has ever done more harm to our country (and probably also the world) than Fauci with his misguided, and possibly corrupt, handling of the virus.

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Not possibly corrupt. Corrupt, period.

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All you so-called Medical Personal have made a sworn statement to never do harm. What have you really done is swore never to do harm to your paycheck and have disregarded Life as the most precious commodity that Life can own, and you all are guilty of MURDER of Millions of innocent people and made them examples of what happens when Governments have power over the lives of their people who thought they were voting in men of values and compassion, but only to find we now have a Government run by the Elite NWO who are controlling all the mass murders through the past 60 years and now have weaponized the food, Medical, and Energy sectors to kill off as many useless eaters that they have labeled us, and Biden is the only one that has started world war three for political Powers running him as their puppet. All the Billionaires must be eliminated from our social systems as they have no use for life other than killing the rest of us off. As for the monetary system that this clown wants to get rid of, for electronic controlled currency which has no value as the Federal Notes didn't, they are changing up the system so the currency is their currency and not for the world citizens. Currency can not be controlled by any one government as per the Constitution states that America can only coin it's currency not private banks and Federal reserve scams. If "WE THE PEOPLE" just reject the crypto currency as having no value and to use bartering and trading to fund our needs, we can put these Billionaires out of business forever. Use gold and silver and refuse any and all other forms of counterfeit trading. Do it now or forever be under the Boot of Tyrants and globalists that are stealing everything we have. And after we destroy all worldly satanic governments we then can sit back and wait for Jesus to come and clean up Lucifer's garden with weed killer. Only living people can place value on material possessions not governments or banks, WE HAVE THE POWER TO DESTROY ALL MATERIAL CORPORATE WEALTH BY REFUSING TO BUY INTO THEIR GOODS. We can make them or break them. I Choose to break them and kick them to the curb.

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I'm a so called medical personal. Don't lump us all in the boat of corruption. Many of us pushed back and did not take their poison.

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Careful--Kevin Bass is a useful idiot narrative manager, sent out to put his toe in the water. He revealed himself in a tweet two days ago when he pronounced that all the doctors and scientists who attended the very popular conference in Sweden were "bad doctors." From a medical student about people who've written hundreds of peer reviewed medical studies. He has similarly and ignorantly opined about nutrition research about which he apparently knows nothing.

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He may not be 100%, but he's in the grid for sure.

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Problem is they knew the "injection " would do nothing but harm. It was never intended to cure anything. It's goal was to degrade your immune system in order to enable any muted disease properties already living in your body to flourish due to lack of a strong immune system. Imo there is no immunity for pharmaceutical companies as they knew it would harm humanity.

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Excellent read and so glad the truth is getting out there. Thank you!

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EAU vaccine not applicable without Covid emergency order may be why extended, again and again. Can anyone say ‘kickbacks?’

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Vocabulary Alert.

"I remember when it was sacrosanct to question"

I think you meant to say "I remember when it was heresy (apostasy, etc) to question"

Or (not better, btw) "I remember when the science as embodied by the High Priest of Covid, the science himself, was sacrosanct (and couldn't be questioned).

Now I return to the article which, while not sacrosanct, so far is pretty good.

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Sometimes if one of you follow the others and push the narrative to get ANY vaccination are in bed with the Devil. It takes more faith in Humanity to be Human, than it does to take the promise of Lucifer's wages, and the Wages of Sin is Death.

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I retired early in late 2021. I served as an Army Medic in the 80s, went on to become a RN. After 30 plus years I was toasted and refried. The entire COVID pandemic has terribly managed from almost every perspective. I could type all night and plan to write some. Like the rest of you here I'm data driven and am very skeptical. I learned early on in the Army that the Government was a bloated machine of dysfunction. Pfizer has poisoned millions around the world. Greed, power, corruption kept the money flowing. The left wing media are 100% propagandist. The last few years I worked as a RN I saw a lot. I left the local hospital when COVID started coming in hot. I went to Skilled Nursing Facility to work in management. I lasted 6 weeks. They were not prepared, the staff was not trained and the place was a disaster waiting. We had already stopped visitors and that brought a lot of backlash. I saw the writing on the wall and left. Took a few months off then started doing Home Health. As we moved along the hospitals were sending people home way too early. We sent many back, the hospitals were full, many patients did not live.

Then, the loony show arrived. Mask, goggles, then it was wear two mask, then the N95. Families would not let you in the house if you had not been vaccinated. I have not had any coronavirus vaccines like most of you. I never argued and honestly was glad to be off the hook on dealing with psychowokes. More time, more insanity. Then patients started having cardiac issues, neurological issues, many problems R/T inflammation. Many told me they felt the vaccine had made them sick, they were right.

My company was told we all had to take vaccine. They did a survey and realized then if they pushed it they would lose a lot of critical staff. To their credit, they gave religious exemptions to all that asked for one. The hospital my wife works in gave none. They escorted out staff on judgement day and fired them. The media railed about the pandemic of the unvaccinated. I stuck to my guns and never took the vaccine. I feel like a dodged a bullet. My mother told me I was crazy for not believing Dr. Fouchi. 🙄

I read early on about an Army Flight surgeon that pulled some chopper pilots for myocarditis. She was reassigned and told not to talk. Not talking is something Americans have never been good at. The truth is everywhere, like tracking a wounded deer in the snow. There is evidence eveywhere. I have been suspended on FB several times for posting the truth.

Glad to be around patriots.

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One of your best

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Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/sheeple-university

“Country” stands up to Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s “They Tried to Kill Country (But Country Fought Back).” https://turfseer.substack.com/p/they-tried-to-kill-country-but-country

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

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