So what farce is next I wonder. Pelousi extended emergency so congress can vote by proxy, meh. Stay alert, agenda 2030 is real and being fast tracked to 2023 for the great reset.

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War...then aliens?

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So how does this effect the not a vaccine mandates for federal employees and the military?

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Funny how people with COMMON SENSE knew this all along! One more win for the good guys is how I see this. We shouldn’t relax our guard though, Klaus, Bill, Anthony, and the rest of the evil globalists aren’t done yet!

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No Shit CDC. This is how smart people were handling this virus from the beginning. Thanks for recognizing that your agency is an inept and unqualified group of idiots!! Well done !

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If I’d been fired for this mandate crap I’d sue. And this is how most people are already behaving. Who has stood 6’ away from anyone in more than a year?!

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And what do ya know, RIGHT AFTER throwing in the towel, the house Democrats are now claiming the Trump administration put pressure on the FDA to approve the vax. Sure Fauci worked for the Trump administration but him putting pressure on the FDA isn’t on TRUMP. More false accusations from the democrats and the fake news will spread it far and wide. Trump wasn’t even president when the FDA told everyone they approved the vax for labeling production (which NEVER even took place. That was to fool people into thinking what they were getting was the approved vaccine when it was still the Emergency Use Vaccine.) Emergency Use is not the same as the full labeling approval and the house democrats KNOW it, but their ill informed voters have no clue.

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Trying hard to pretend last two years was done for our ‘health and safety’ while it’s now obvious it was a shit show fear porn agenda.

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As a Canadian, I can only imagine how long it will take our officials to even be dragged to that standard.

I fully expect them to continue to stubbornly dig their heels and ignore evidence.

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