The FBI is showing that they seized property clearly beyond the scope of the warrant, namely framed Time magazine covers.

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Their photo op stupidity will hopefully not dig well with the Judge and she will determine that a special master is indeed needed. Needed to keep these clowns at bay. Trump’s 4A was stomped and he needs to sue each and every one of these agents and all officials including Wray, Garland, and Biden.

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*do (not dig)

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This photo sends a chilling message, in my opinion. Placing Top Secret documents next to the Time Photo is #fbi & #doj subliminally stating: You are screwed cuz we are still watching [illegally].

It's show & tell to #magamovement as well. However, we will fight to the end to protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

#warroomposse member

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Just another episode in the ongoing “now we’ve got him!” saga.

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Great post, thanks.

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You cultists are so deliberately dense. Do you not remember typing "white cover sheets neatly layed [sic] on top of them"? No one can see anything that risks national security. You quote Turley, "It is curious that the DOJ would release this particular picture. The point is to state a fact that hardly needs an optical confirmation: the possession of documents with classified cover sheets", yet your opening sentence calls them "alleged 'top secret' documents". You'll all be crying "fake" & "planted" no matter the evidence. And the point of the TIME cover is that the alleged documents were in the same box as the magazine covers, not that that cover of TIME is a "veiled threat". How could it be a "threat" if Trump had it framed?

I could go on, but your minds are made up & none of you want to be confused w/ facts or logic.

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