As James Corbett says..its the biomedical security state. However, the reality is that there is a global rise of authoritarianism on every front in the West. Every benign national institution that was formed to "help the citizen" seems as if it is being weaponized against the average joe. Secular progressivism has been hijacked and taken over by hardcore leftist ideology that is collectivist in its orientation...basically communist in nature seeking to destroy the Judeo Christian worldview of the Western nations.

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This is here too. A Dr revealed some info along the same lines on Friday.

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Once great free nations have been taken over by zealous hard-left forces corrupting governments and militaries to extreme lengths of authoritarian rule. USA, UK, and Australia (with Brazil now being socialized) are losing their identity as free nations and a turn around is greatly needed. Corrupt elections giving us puppets as leaders who follow globalist rule, not their nation nor their citizens desire.

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Kyle, the Action Radio Citizen Legislature has already written the bill that ends all Big Tech censorship, by opening them up to lawsuits if they touch anyone's account, postings or arrange search engine results. We just need complete coverage, and saturation of Congress with this bill. Everyone just needs to copy the link and send it everywhere!


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I could send this to the Branch Covisians on my contact list...I highly doubt even one of the koolaid drinkers would read it. I am 99.9% it would do nothing to affect their point of view.

Vaccines have been a religion for years. Covid either reinforced their preciously held doctrines...or in some cases caused small fractures that enabled them to see into the new jab without such a heavy relgious influence.

These bass turds...and all heads of state in every country that suppressed truth and fed us demonic fiction must all be hauled into court...then jailed for life...no parole.

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Just a half step away from camps and killing fields. At the behest of our "Leaders", their accomplices, the media, social platforms, and academia, will justify their fellowmen being marched off. Some of these people may be your neighbor.

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