A small slip - he is the *nephew* of JFK. He is the *son* of assassinated Senator Robert F Kennedy.

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Weird families, who knows.....

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The Kennedys are a large clan; I can see how present-day people slip up trying to keep straight who’s the son of whom. But those two assassinations were two of the biggest, most horrific events of the 1960s.

I was in second grade on the day President Kennedy was killed. It started out as a very happy day, because after school we were supposed to have the big school carnival, with games and prizes. My mother had baked two beautiful cakes as prizes for the cakewalk. We were all so excited! But early in the afternoon, the principal came to the door and motioned to our teacher to come into the hallway - something that had never happened before. She came back into the classroom with her face absolutely white, ashen. Trying to keep her composure, but with her voice quavering, she told us that school was over for the day, and we were all to go straight home, right away. And the big school carnival was cancelled! We all gasped in astonishment- what could have happened that would cancel this? As all of us little kids poured out of the school, some big sixth-graders were running around the playground shouting, “the president has been shot!” Being an innocent seven-year-old, I had only a vague idea of what a president was, but I knew he was kind of like a king in a fairy tale. When I got home, my mother was in tears, sobbing. I had never seen her cry before. And then my dad came home early from work, another thing that had never happened before. I was kept in my bedroom while the grownups - and the entire nation - stayed glued to the TV news for the rest of the day.

Years later, I realized that they weren’t just horrified by the assassination of our President. It was the height of the Cold War, and they were afraid that the Russians had killed Kennedy, as a prelude to invasion or - God forbid - a nuclear attack!

Then when Senator Robert F Kennedy was on the presidential campaign trail five years later, he too was shot. This was just weeks after Martin Luther King has been killed, and the whole nation was absolutely horrified at what our nation was becoming. I was in seventh grade, and I remember how stunned and distressed all of my teachers were. They behaved professionally, but they were heartbroken.

So our current Kennedy candidate would have been around nine years old when his uncle was killed, and fourteen when his own father was assassinated. What bravery he has! In addition to everything else, he has to confront his personal demons and nightmarish memories while running for President. I have great admiration for the man!

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So beautifully stated and brings to us why it is important for everyone to understand the legacy and the historic events that he has experienced. The bravery to run for president cannot be lost on anyone who understands this history. He is also a true environmentalist which our world needs today. His record speaks for itself on that. God protect Robert F Kennedy Jr over the next months and years.

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While I agree with your assessment. He is still far too left for me on most policies. He was totally correct, IMO, on covid and somewhat right on climate.

I would never vote for him for POTUS but think he'd make a good cabinet member. I heard, though have not found it verified, that Trump had wanted him to work in his second term.

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Oh, I hear you. Kennedy seems to think that the Democratic Party can still be saved, but I think it’s become too ‘woke’ and socialist to ever be salvaged. And I’m not doing anything that will empower that kind of toxic leftism!

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Remember like it was yesterday. I had two aunts pass coinciding with both, so had to ever forget.

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I’m so sorry. Those must have been two terrible heartbreaks.

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Great article. Climate disaster is the biggest hoax ever! It’s exactly what he said, a way for elites to gain full control over “We the People”!

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

LE... not just 'we the people' but the entire world. The problem is major corporations and academia and research institutions are having their bread buttered in this entire process. Its called government private-partnerships... or in other words a repackaging of 'fascism' on a global scale.

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I’ve been hoping he’d say something on this topic.

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The biggest threat to our liberty and prosperity in this country is the new marriage of big government and big business it is this new woke industrial complex a new Leviathan.

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JFK mentioned it in his Boston speech, pointing out how Big Business tends to privatise and make profitable the environment, with dire consequences. to describe the unholy alliance between big corporations and the goverment he uses the term 'corporate crony capitalism'.

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RFK, is a non alarmist on climate change, however he has drunken on enough of its poison to make policies that could come from him to give credence to the climate-hoax-corporate-media-crap-science complex. The reality is the climate is changing all the time which is why these idiots keep swinging from global cool down theories to global warming. Its all all a very large con job. Every aspect of this nonsense is a facet of 'global fascist government change' and allowing the transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle classes to the corporations and insider government leaders. The green new deal is going to result in death of billions of hapless people around the world who will never be able to afford new types of energy and escalating food costs. And if the poor are provided meager food supplies, it will be done by stealing more and more taxes from the western nations.

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He’s the nephew of jfk. Son of Bobby Kennedy who was also slain.

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

does 'free market capitalism' mean not gobbling up small businesses and keeping Big Companies accountable?

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It also means that small businesses have a right to sell or not to whomever they please.

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of course!

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How about we all change our party affiliation (if necessary), and primary Biden out in favor of JFK? We know damn well the left will cheat and anyone with an R after their name has no chance of winning, so let's at least get the only sane person left in the party.

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I was thinking along those lines myself. While I probably wouldn't vote for him in a general. I'd LOVE to vote for him in a primary; just to screw with the Ds (if for no other reason).

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“Covid reportedly killed more people just in 2020 than all the world’s other catastrophes in the past half-century. “ - Wait, what killed people in 2020, with respect to excess mortality? Some from Covid in the elderly population (which accelerated deaths), a lot more from poor medical protocols - avoiding prophylaxis and early treatment and telling people to wait until they are blue to seek medical help (then putting them on respirators and toxic remdesivir), poor policies like sending Covid-sick elderly back to nursing homes where they infect the other residents, and lockdowns which had a cost with deaths from despair and drug use. The excess mortality in 2021 of course is an entirely different matter.

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I read a CDC report that said 6% of the deaths during the "plandemic" were FROM (caused by covid) c19...the other 94% were WITH c19 (tested positive but died from other causes). 🤔

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while we knew even then that the so-called 'tests' were inadequate and prone to give a false positive outcome.

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Exactly. CDC reported late summer 2020 that 94% of covid death certificates listed additional comorbidities while 6% only listed covid. At the time MSM spinned it in favor of “nothing to see here”. Gaslighting us. Because hospitals were paid for covid cases, and also were paid for putting patients on respirators, there were perverse incentives to drive up case counts. Government gave guidance that if someone had tested positive within 30 days of death to list covid on death certificate. So death by motorcycle accident had covid listed if there was a positive test.

@jdee John Dee mentions both the pressure placed on listing covid as well as the from/with issue in his recent interesting piece that separates deaths with covid listed but where the case had not progressed to severe symptoms (he calls those “asymptomatic”) vs those that did (“symptomatic”).



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Please correct the statement that RFK junior is the the son of JFK. He is the son of Robert Kennedy

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And he is one hundred per cent correct !

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Wouldn't it be amazing if the 2024 election was between Vivek and Kennedy?

One can only hope,

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Ramasmarmy? nah...

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No unfortunately it would not be great.

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That NYT article cited is from April 3 of this year -- not March, 2022.

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It’s important to get straight who RFK Jr. is. He is the nephew of JFK and he is the son of RFK. Understanding the legacy of RFK will help you in writing about RFK Jr.

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I don’t think climate change is the deadly threat they say it is, but I do believe it is increasing the severity of storms, hurricanes, etc. There’s a lot of evidence to back that up. But I also wonder if geoengineering is playing a large part...

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If you're going to report on news then do some research and get your facts straight. This isn't the first time Robert Kennedy Jr has been referred to as the son of President Kennedy. How can I believe anything in this article if you don't have the main characters correct?

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