I cancelled my PayPal years ago. They've been engaging in this woke nonsense for years. Stop playing. Shut down your Twitter and Facebook accounts - both are dying brands anyway. Stop doing business with companies like PayPal. Oh the irony of companies acting like fascists.
Problem is VISA and Mastercard are on the path to social credit if this keeps up.
Somehow the WEF has to be fed to a woodchipper. It's causing global angst and division rupturing the civil order of nations from behind the scenes along with the BMGF and other global entities.
I closed my account this afternoon. Easy peasy - I’d had $207 in transactions in the last 6 mos so it’s not like I’ll miss it. Venmo will be harder but I’ll be figuring that out too. I don’t care that they backtracked - they can never be trusted.
I closed a couple weeks ago. Hadn’t been using it anyway. They will just reformat their rules another way. Move on, although TV bubble people won’t notice a thing and keep using it.
Bet they wouldn’t take money for anyone saying a man can give birth which is TOTALLY misinformation. Or the CDC and FDA or news anchors who spread so much disinformation it is uncountable.
This presents a problem for those who want to raise funds for alternative media projects, such as films about Pharma issues. Without using PP or Venmo, or GoFundme, it's going to be difficult to securely collect and spend funds. Any suggestions of a reliable alternative that might be safer than these?
I cancelled my PayPal years ago. They've been engaging in this woke nonsense for years. Stop playing. Shut down your Twitter and Facebook accounts - both are dying brands anyway. Stop doing business with companies like PayPal. Oh the irony of companies acting like fascists.
Problem is VISA and Mastercard are on the path to social credit if this keeps up.
Somehow the WEF has to be fed to a woodchipper. It's causing global angst and division rupturing the civil order of nations from behind the scenes along with the BMGF and other global entities.
This isn't 'misinformation'. It's fact.
I closed my account this afternoon. Easy peasy - I’d had $207 in transactions in the last 6 mos so it’s not like I’ll miss it. Venmo will be harder but I’ll be figuring that out too. I don’t care that they backtracked - they can never be trusted.
Just closed my account. Screw their backtracking. Showed how they feel about their users 🤬🤬 and now I don’t trust them.
To late PayPal, we see you now. I will not do business with companies that openly hate me and everything I believe in. ACCOUNT CANCELED!
I closed a couple weeks ago. Hadn’t been using it anyway. They will just reformat their rules another way. Move on, although TV bubble people won’t notice a thing and keep using it.
Bet they wouldn’t take money for anyone saying a man can give birth which is TOTALLY misinformation. Or the CDC and FDA or news anchors who spread so much disinformation it is uncountable.
They just brought a big spotlight. Buy those puts ASAP. 🖕😀
I closed my account a year ago after they froze and literally stole money from independent content creators
I wrote my 2 friends whom I donate to, to look for an alternative platform.. I will gladly stop using it for purchases immediately.
This presents a problem for those who want to raise funds for alternative media projects, such as films about Pharma issues. Without using PP or Venmo, or GoFundme, it's going to be difficult to securely collect and spend funds. Any suggestions of a reliable alternative that might be safer than these?
Use GiveSendGo. They don’t pull this garbage.