The bacteria are nasty enough, but I'm far more worried about all the microfibers that people are inhaling, particularly from all those cheap Chinese masks made from fabrics that were processed in God-knows-what kind of toxic chemicals.

Even "proper" masks like 3M N95 respirators were never intended to be worn for hours at a time. Now we have people walking around sucking air through mystery masks for 8-10 hours a day, every day, and somehow they're convinced this is the *healthier* choice. It's insane. It's like breathing in concentrated dryer lint.

I fear that there we have set up an entire generation for severe pulmonary disease in the future, especially school kids whose lungs are small and still developing.

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in 1920 Dr. Wm. Kellogg created a research paper based on the use of masks during the 1917 pandemic and found that the vast majority of the illnesses resulted from prolonged use of the masks. Fauci echoed the findings of Dr. Kellogg in his own mask paper of '08. Lies, lies and more lies....

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Power hungry tyrants who screamed “follow the science! Wear a damn mask!” Won’t follow the science now. Louisville KY just issued a mask mandate for school age children. The only way out of this is mass civil disobedience. My workplace just re-issued “mask suggestion” but to their credit said they would not tolerate discrimination against people on either side - those who wore masks and those who didn’t.

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Trump Indicts Dr. Fauci; Charged as Enemy Combatant

realrawnews -December 29, 2020

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While it's good to have such studies, none of this is new. We've known for years of the potential hazards of masks.

One example:


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realrawnews -December 29, 2020

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