It's an utter criminal disgrace what BOTH Biden and Trudeau are doing. We have all we need right here in North America. What the f is wrong with Democrats and Liberals?

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"What the f is wrong with Democrats and Liberals?"

Hey Johnny (again 😀).

OK so let's give them their true names, Tyrants and Authoritarians. These people can't wait to be rid of democracy and liberalism.

We know the answer, this is all being done by design. Look at (ironically Ukraine) in the Holodomor. Same playbook, and it ends the same way too.

"What's the origin of the phrase 'You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs'?

This proverb originated in a country known for making omelettes - France. The earliest example I know of is listed in the OED, in the original French, as "1742 or earlier":

On ne saurait faire d'omelette sans casser des œufs

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs: The saying was adopted into English soon afterwards. The Dublin-based news-sheet Walker's Hibernian Magazine published a piece in its May 1786 issue which described the activities of François de Charette.

Charette was a Royalist counter-revolutionary in the French Revolution. It was remarked to him that he had caused the death of a great many persons. Yes, he replied, "omelettes are not made without breaking eggs".

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They definitely are authoritarians.

Except the French revolutionaries were fully prepared to kill. Just like the Russians.

Joe and Justin are just are pair of pathetic pawns who talk tough but never personally put a bullet i the brain of someone. That we know of anyway.

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the worst is that nobody seems able to stop the madness.

reminds me of children playing in the sand box in the park: some don't abide by the commonly known rules, bullying the others and hurting them, but nobody steps in to regulate. mayhem ensues.

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They want high prices to force use of electric; beyond me why unless they are heavily invested in batteries, etc. Disaster

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These stooges are purposely destroying democracies in order to set stage for Liberal New Order. These ‘leaders’ cannot be this inept, unless they purposely want to destroy their own countries.

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What an embarrassment. Begging half way around the world for what US could do if he got out of the way and stopped issuing regulations and bans that only hurt.

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