Piece of shit writing. Who are these ass wipes supposedly quoted as saying Tucker’s fact based reporting (complete with video evidence) was ‘conspiracies’? Everyone knows there is no way in Hades that Biden received 80 million votes. J6 video proves it was a set up, and the jabs are poison BASED ON DATA. Fox is now the very image of the weak neutered men and emotion driven women running the corporation. By the way. Sean Hannity is a sell out pussy.

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Great response! I agree

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Tucker was directly over the targets ...from the clot shots to Epps, Ukraine--he was making certain people jittery--Chuck Schumer’s threats are a dead giveaway.

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...except for calling Trump demonic and saying how much he hated the only person who stands up for We the People. I do agree, though, that Tucker boldly spoke out and covered many things virtually no one in the mainstream would cover—which I greatly appreciate.

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This post is Faux News-worthy. A lot of subtle propaganda advancing the idea that claims about election fraud are “bonkers” and that Patriots and professionals like Sidney Powell are nut jobs. It’s almost like Fox paid you to help bail their sinking ship out.

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Maybe re-read?

Kyle was simply quoting what other reporters/sources have stated about the issue.

I don't see him proclaiming those reports as his own conclusions in this piece.

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No, I realize that he was quoting others, but he chose to advance those quotes and didn’t refute or qualify them. This is a subtle technique to advance a narrative without directly owning the words.

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I don't believe that was Kyle's intent.

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No, I disagree. He was quoting people and not interpreting or editorializing. That's what journalists are SUPPOSED to do.

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Perhaps Kyle can clarify his intent for us? It doesnt seem fair to jump to conclusions without asking him to comment on your perspective of his reporting.

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Gary you are spot on! This is drivel being leaked to tarnish Tucker. Pure drivel and Kyle was regurgitating this like corporate media! Total hack job article.

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Not fair to Kyle to assume the worst. I think this was a quick article quoting some newsworthy info that nonetheless came from a left wing source. I don't think he intended to endorse the slanted presentation of the Daily Beast.

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There’s a global agenda and Tucker ain’t in it. We’re beyond ratings, markets, whatever. If all that mattered then the top cable host would not have been tossed out.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

the content of Tucker's reporting is only an excuse for his "letting go". it will backfire greatly, for his audiences are more scattered now and will stay away more from other media outlets, enabling other platforms to expand. he might launch regular podcasts, even his own channel.

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Hopefully Tucker Carlson is not in a contract binding him from working independently until his contract expires.

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They'd have to keep paying him, and he probably has a "right to appear" clause, given his stature.

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I think that’s why he hired an attorney

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Whatever spin the mouthpieces from Fox say, you can believe it’s worthless. Those who try to smear him are not worth listening to. Tucker will be missed, temporarily, until he finds his new home. His current contract pays him 1.4M a month--until Oct 2024. Fox is trying to keep him muzzled until right before next election. 🤬

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That's dastardly!

But 1.4m a month to do nothing. Nice work if you can get it!

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I like The Five when they have their starting lineup, but otherwise, I've drifted from any Fox News. I, for many years watched 1-3 hours/day of Morning Joe, but after Trump was elected, Joe went full on progressive, the show stopped inviting any conservatives, except the NeverTrumpers, and Mika asserted herself more into the show, which was a joke.

Anyone on the left who's cheering will be bitterly disappointed when Carlson develops an even larger following through Sunstack/Rumble/Podcast, and becomes crazy rich.

The right has moved into the leading voice on alternative media (like they owned AM radio in the past), and are better positioned than the left who've benefited by the corporate media and Holywood for the last couple of decades.

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Now TPTB are targeting AM radio; electric car manufacturers not including that band on new cars. We lose that & we lose power to communicate when the SAME slam down steaming services.

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If you text “AM” to 52886 it prompts an email to Congress re: saving AM radio. There is a push to cancel it leaving us vulnerable to only satellite which can be sabotaged.

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I am very disappointed in the quality of this article. The sourcing that Tucker was let go for reasons of other lawsuits is the drivel that Fox Management is leaking. I really expected you to be able to point out truthfully what is being "leaked" to you.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023


A talk Tucker gave at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Heritage Foundation the Saturday evening before the Monday he was let go by Fox.

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Talk about election tampering....

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