I remain an optimistic skeptic.

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Good. Maybe it won’t be such a pansy platform. Or maybe musk is simply taking over to lure us rebels back.

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Good synopsis of what's happening with the little blue bird, (that will now be the Xbird, or something). Although, I think the twitter thing is way overrated, and over all a detriment to sane, mature, intelligent and civil society. I do wish them luck.

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Have the mean tweets started back up? When will Trump be reinstated????

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James Corbett had a few things to say today, about the Chief Twit, Pentagon Contractor, Technocratic Huckster, Elon Musk.


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Read that Edgett had to be escorted out/ he wasn't expecting it at all.

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Elon is definitely doing the right thing for the right reasons at least on its face...only the long run can tell the entire story...I wish him humility and good fortune.

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Glad he’s doing this. (However, long term I don’t trust him, too trans human oriented)

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He's a globalist, but not an ultra globalist. The difference is that he doesn't want a return to the East India Company era, were everyone is a serf. Musk is a globalist, but doesn't mind having a middle class that buys his products.

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