Slimy little scammer.

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Well, no kidding! Not digging deep enough and covering up with a lot of BS and obfuscation; yes, there was GOF going on in China at Wuhan but compelling evidence shows the same GOF research was going on at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and more than that an infectious respiratory pathogen was actually engineered at the UNC with the intention for RELEASE for human infection; during the GOF moratorium there was a collecting of pathogens brought over from China (Wuhan) and used to build an infectious CLONE (WIV1-COV) ;"published admissions" reveal who all the complicit actors were and that there was a criminal conspiracy whereby everyone would stand to benefit, of course at great cost to US taxpayers and humanity world-wide ;for example, in the midst of this racketeering crime we have Moderna sending $4oo million dollars to NIAID for a royalty license in exchange for royalties on FUTURE VACCINE SALES! You need more evidence of advance planning, then see the article, "Sars-like WIV1-COV poised for human emergence" from Sept.2015!

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This is a great job by the lawyers to show/prove how corrupt Fauci is. Hopefully this will lead to more than just a hearing. I want Fauci publicly ridiculed, embarrassed, and his pension revoked for his deception. His actions leading to jail time would be great but most likely impossible with Garland as AG. One can hope though. Fauci has been misleading Presidents and top officials for decades.

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Fauci is finished.

Thank God!

I await his imminent arrest.

That will wake up the world.

Everyone has skin in Fauci’s diabolical game.

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It was a HOAX - a global psyop to usher in the Great Reset. The virus was never isolated, no Koch's postulates to prove causality--it was just declared out of thin air without evidence. All they needed to pull of the psychological warfare operation was a scientifically fraudulent PCR test with 95% false positives and 24/7 fear porn/propaganda/hysteria from the fake corporate media and the treasonous, criminal govt.. They used the bogus PCR test, hijacked cold and flu season and called everything covid.

Book: Dr. Vernon Coleman: Covid 19 The Greatest Hoax in History


Book- Global Covid Report- There is No Deadly “Pandemic” –German Doctors for Truth


Look, I can’t be more direct. We can’t have a lethal pandemic sweeping the land, killing thousands of people & it NOT show up in the total mortality charts. Not unless someone is hiding dead bodies. And they’re not. Its MISDIAGNOSES. Please wake up. It’s not even new. PCR false positive pseudo epidemics exist. We’ve got one. When in a pseudoepidemic everyone thinks it’s a real epidemic. But we don’t have extra deaths. That’s howling out for an explanation & there’s only one. Is literally not a single person interested? … The fascinating thing about test related pseudo epidemics is that they vanish as soon as the aberrant test is halted. Nothing else changes because nothing else is happening. - Dr Mike Yeadon

AUDIO- Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, tells Canadian govt:

"The bottom line is simply this: there is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspected public… It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine and that's a very dangerous game. There is no action needed…Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence they are effective whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless…Closures have had terrible consequence and everywhere should be open tomorrow…Positive testing results do NOT indicate clinical infection. It is simply driving public hysteria and ALL testing should STOP unless you are presenting to hospital with respiratory problems...The scale of the response you’re undertaking with no evidence is utterly ridiculous, given the consequences...all kinds of business closures, suicides…it’s just another flu. You should be out of the business of medicine.. Let people make their own decisions. You're being led down the garden path…I’m outraged and it should all stop tomorrow. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zQwxrBgrdAt0/

Now this latest twist in the never-ending global psyop narrative is to distract from people dropping dead from the US DOD bioweapon injections and to get the dumbed down American sheep ready for war with China, which the US will LOSE!!!

For more truth on the fact that there is NO virus see Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Andy Kaufman, and Jon Rappoport, an independent journalist who has reported on fake pandemics for 30 years.

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Nice post. I appreciate it. 🙂

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Thanks for sharing this. I will definitely share.

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Of course this is just another US govt coverup. Instead of focusing on this BS story about a lab leak, they should be asking questions like:

Who authorized the bogus PCR test?

Who decided to have the PCR test run at 40-45 cycles to maximize false positives?

Who decided to have healthy people with NO symptoms designated as “cases” in order to foster the illusion of a pandemic?

Who authorized Remdesivir (run Death is near) as treatment in order to increase the death count?

Who is following up on the whistleblower nurses reports of patients being murdered in NYC with ventilator and heavy sedatives to increase the death count and make it look like people were dying from the fake virus instead of treatment protocols?

Who authorized “treatment”by heavy sedation and ventilators?

Why did the WHO change the definition of a pandemic?

Why were the processes for coding deaths changed?

Why were deaths from gunshots, ladder falls, cancer, heart attack, stroke, counted as covid deaths just because of a positive test result on a bogus test.


Such assumptions rest on a set of demonstrable frauds and lies, beginning with the “discovery” in a computer in China of the “virus” sequence “Sars-Cov-2.” Even if we set aside questioning whether this “virus” (or any “virus”) exists as a causative agent for a set of symptoms packaged for the public as “Covid-19,” there is copious, concrete evidence of corruption and fraud in the creation and adoption of the PCR test, which has produced hundreds of millions of false positives — lies which are called “cases” — in healthy people. These endlessly concocted outbreaks of “cases” have been fraudulently classified as a “pandemic” — more lies — but only according to a definition of “pandemic” edited by the WHO to exclude as pandemic features widespread illness of a severe nature and widespread mortality, neither which “Covid-19” has ever caused, not even according to the pandemic-masters’ own faked figuring.

There is no way out of the nightmare without exposing the lies about the virus, the test, and the pandemic –– not to mention the transformational agendas around the “vaccine” itself. Why is it we remain mired in the fight over whether the shot is “safe and effective,” over whether there exist alternative treatments, over whether “mandates” (forced medical intervention) are legal? I hope this consideration of the messaging of Dr. Malone, now at the forefront of the opposition-doctors, will help explain why we are not making progress.


And by continuing to promote the BS about the fake virus and the fake pandemic, this is going to be used as justification for the WHO pandemic treaty, which is being negotiated right now--they are literally setting up global governance/dictatorship. But instead of paying attention to that, the dumbed down American sheep are being led by the nose into the next twist in the BS never-ending fake virus psyop. No wonder we are on the verge of losing our country!!


Your masters agreed that the slaves can talk about viruses leaking from labs so that they can be more agreeable with WHO treaty


Lab Leak is baloney. I hope you can see it now as it is being unveiled in the most unsubtle way right on cue before WHO pandemic treaty is being put in place.

They are trotting this earthshattering breaking story now, finally telling you the “truth” (yeah, we lied a little bit about pangolins and bats, but it was for your own good, silly peasants!) because WHO treaty is happening now, and they need everyone to fall in line supporting the global totalitarian biosecurity state, where the unelected overlords will “protect you” from “lab leaks from enemies and rogue scientists”, by putting you in 15-minute prisons, I mean smart cities, and murdering you with protective military prototype “vaccines”.

If you still think lab leaks are a thing - please explain how they can happen, when nobody can produce animal to animal infection by “engineered viruses” in the lab?

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Malone isn't at the forefront of anything but deception and obfuscation; he knew and knows more than he has ever admitted, including about GOF research; not only was there NO NATURAL ORIGIN but no infection whatsoever until an infectious respiratory pathogen (synthetic clone) was engineered and tested in living animals(in vivo); it was never about bats and pangolins that couldn't care less about our pathetic research on animals(except that they are also victims!) but a GOF developed pathogen that shouldn't even be called a "virus" (except by those who have a lot to hide).

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@Tony Porcaro: Whatever Dr. Robert Malone knows doesn’t make him responsible for the covid pandemic debacle. We should avoid distractions.

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Excellent article. Well laid out and easy for layperson to understand

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Thank you for such an informative article. It is consistent with what I have come to understand from my own research about the course of events over the last decade. Here the story is laid out in an easy to follow time line juxtaposed with Dr. Fauci’s recollections under oath. The “lack of credibility” from the top US public health bureaucrat is stunning and disturbing. There must be appropriate consequences.

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“Is not credible” is how I will say “is lying” going forward

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Maybe it wasn’t Redford’s views so much as Fauci’s awareness that Redford wouldn’t just bend the knee & kiss the ring because Fauci demanded he do so. It’s not as though Fauci could withhold career-making/sustaining grant $$ from the head of the CDC.

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Scarf lady and Dr. Steven Hahn, who’s FDA blocked Hydroxychloriquine and approved the killer protocol using Remdescivir, were both huge enablers of these crimes against our people.

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I was hoping to watch all the line up for the traders for the old style of bullet to head for the billions of lost lives and stolen Assets from all the Americans and from all the men and women around the world! Just so sad how evil gets away with all this crap! 👁️👀👁️

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Fauci will go to jail?? Hell NO, never before in human history or the short history of the USSA police state has the people who orchestrated pandemic gone to jail, lost their wealth, or hung at the gallows;


Everybody involved in COVID is now a billionaire, they can hire the best attorneys that money can buy; This is USSA a nation of lawyers that always keep the guilty out of jail; Worldwide Trillions of USD were dispersed to buy governments, courts, doctors, and politicians; The payoff was bulletproof;

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