“[I said] that he could take Congress from the most hated branch of [government] to the favorite branch.”
Greatest Move Ever! I said this back in 2020 when they stole POTUS from him... the quickest way to right this ship is to become Speaker and launch an impeachment of the entire Biden/Harris admin. We'll never get justice otherwise.
Many would be better than RINO Kevin.
McLeadership needs to go, all 3. Why keep any of these establishments that do such harm.
🤣😂🤣😂 Friday jokes!!
Trump for Speaker.
No to McCarthy, he is from California who makes deals with the Demoncrats so he can't be Trusted.
Not going to happen. Jim Jordan voted for McCarthy.
Uniparty rules.
Oh no
OOH GOOD GRIEF its to early to laugh. Like anyone would let that happen
Greatest Move Ever! I said this back in 2020 when they stole POTUS from him... the quickest way to right this ship is to become Speaker and launch an impeachment of the entire Biden/Harris admin. We'll never get justice otherwise.
Many would be better than RINO Kevin.
McLeadership needs to go, all 3. Why keep any of these establishments that do such harm.
🤣😂🤣😂 Friday jokes!!
Trump for Speaker.
No to McCarthy, he is from California who makes deals with the Demoncrats so he can't be Trusted.
Not going to happen. Jim Jordan voted for McCarthy.
Uniparty rules.
Oh no
OOH GOOD GRIEF its to early to laugh. Like anyone would let that happen