These captured agencies want to be able to have their cake and eat it too. They put out "recommendations" or "guidelines," and let others turn them into dogmatic edicts that will cost some their medical licenses but they can wash their hands of it all. Smoke & Mirrors.

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Exactly. Same way they just added COVID jabs to the routine childhood schedule but claimed that states can choose whether to require it. But then the states cite that they follow the committe’s recommendations, and round and round we go with blame-shifting.

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I cannot believe we are living through this.

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Many are not.... Just watched the premiere, and recommend to all, "Died Suddenly" on Rumble. This is off the charts devastation.

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Two faced racketeering killers.

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Yes. As a patient (prior to this craziness) I’ve seen my doctors turn recommendations into dogmatic edicts. It’s disgusting

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On behalf of all doctors and the entire medical profession, I apologize for anything less than you deserved for COVID prevention and treatment.

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You’re apologizing and I would bet it all that you were not the problem

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Thank you.. we all hoped our doctors would listen to us! My physician lost many patients because of her relentless harassment on receiving the Vax. I am very outspoken and told her she needed to stop alienating her patients! I love her but not so much during Covid

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Strange to mr

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Americans have lost trust in their doctors! Instead of relying on their own medical expertise they listened to the dogma on high

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They also coerced State pharmacy boards to not fill prescriptions

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You are absolutely right. Many of us yelled and screamed at the ABC pharmacists who refused to listen to us. They tried every way they could: saying they were "out", saying the patient needed a Prior Authorization from insurance, saying they "needed to know the diagnosis" - and if we came back and told them the diagnosis was COVID? They REFUSED TO FILL AND WOULD RATHER LET THE PATIENT DIE.

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EVERY COVID treatment was done "off label" COVID waa not a listed Indication for ANY drug at all, because it was a new disease in 2020. Now that Pelosi lost the gavel, the House HHS Cmte needs to investigate why these entities ganged up on the drugs that helped. It looks suspiciously like a massive Phase I clinical trial of mRNA technology that might open doors to treat cancers etc, and FDA workers jumped into this expecting to make money on all the mRNA tech for other diseases that was coming. The problem is this is not a true Phase I trial of the method, because all the adverse effects are being minimized.

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Too much government interference! Let doctors BE doctors.... To do no harm.

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You GOT IT Gerri! Many of us are losing our medical licenses - they make it very hard on us.

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Absolutely - but the good pharmacists continued to fill. God bless them!

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No chain pharmacy fills ivermectin Rx in Ontario. One indie compounding pharmacy in the Greater Toronto Area has an 8 month backlog of hundreds of prescriptions for ivermectin they cannot fill due to supply problems. These prescriptions are for MDs and NPs, who have to have at least 3 covid jabs which they know are useless for preventing Covid, written by themselves for themselves because that's apparently the only way they can get it without punishment by their regulatory bodies. Ordinary patients can't get ivermectin prescriptions because MDs will be punished for writing them without lab-confirmed diagnosis of helminth or scabies infestation. Catch 22 is that you can't get a lab test for parasites in the funded medical system and the out of pocket naturopathic medical tests for parasites aren't recognized as valid for medical Rx.

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I felt like a criminal trying to get a prescription for ivermectin. One of the few US pharmacies filling prescriptions was seriously price gouging, and I'm sure made a killing last year. Then the package was opened by the post office. No, they didn't say you couldn't.....what a pack of lies.

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I felt like a criminal prescribing and delivering to house bound patients last year. Don't ask me how I got it but I do have a NP license with prescriptive authority. Truly felt like I was an illicit drug dealer while successfully keeping elderly out of the hospital, with short recovery times.

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You were a lifesaver risking all while others cowered in fear behind "orders" from the CDC. These are insane times. God bless you!

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God bless you for keeping your oath!

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LOL. Reminds me of a scene from "Ali G In The House". This clip has it at the start.


I got mine long before it became popular and had the same feeling even though it was not illegal to do what I was doing because I did get a script from a Canadian doctor for it but had to order overseas as supplies were so tight and that was fall of 2020.

Per 12 mg tablet was: 50 cents (India), $1 (Mexico), $1.5-2 (Argentina), $5 (Can Compound), $12 (Can big store/online)

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I am so sorry it is so hard on you - but here are a couple options, because I know you cannot get ivermectin in from India, either:

1. Quercetin - acts like hydroxychloroquine. Take with Zinc.

2. Nigella sativa - acts like ivermectin.

3. Be sure your vitamin D is corrected.

4. Get my free handout at https://covidmasterplan.com - the Tracker

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Thanks. These help with prevention and mitigation, certainly, and we used them for years for all respiratory infections and health maintenance. But for Covid Long Haul, which I had in 2020, ivermectin was the only thing that worked, and had other surprising benefits for my chronic health issues too. We CAN get equine ivermectin gel and paste by mail order and at farm supply stores in Ontario without Rx. Made by the same local pharmaceutical manufacturer that makes tablets for that compounding pharmacy. So that's what many of us who aren't MDs or NPs do. In some American states, you can't get equine ivermectin without a vet Rx. Almost like they knew people would try.

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I understand Ontario physicians are being pushed to prescribe Psychiatric meds to all the residents who refuse to take the vaccine.. another one of Kyle’s articles?

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Not quite. Doctors are encouraged to employ anti-anxiety meds if needed when administering injections...as per Igor Chudov

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Well mine suggested I see a psychiatrist when discussing my objections. I gave him a hard No.

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I apologize, on behalf of all doctors who took the original Hippocratic oath.

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Thank you for the good news!!!

Ivermectin worked the 2nd time I got C19. The first time, HCQ worked!

I apprecite you, Kyle Becker! You are an American hero!!! God bless you for being a truth spreader!!!🙏✝️

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The thousands that could have been saved...thank you for sharing good news! Justice on one important issue!

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This needs to go a far way and pervade the CDC and state medical boards, all of which need to be revamped.

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Great article, thank you! I Cross-Posted to my Substack theRebelPAtient.Substack.com - I hope it opens the door to redact "COVID Misinformation" and government overreach against ivermectin perpetrated by: State Medical Boards, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the State Pharmacy Boards, and give all doctors and pharmacists the confidence they should have always had: to use their own brain and come to their own conclusions. So many people DIED because of what the FDA and the CDC said - and many doctors have lost their licenses for SAVING LIVES.

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Left with no recourse whilst the government; FDA; CDC; as well as Medical and Pharmaceutical Boards face no accountability! Hopefully I will be around in a decade for a true accounting of this Pandemic Fiasco!

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“The cited statements were not directives. They were not mandatory. They were recommendations," the government's attorney Isaac Belfer argued. "They said what parties should do. They said, for example, why you should not take ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or it’s unlawful. They also did not say that doctors may not prescribe ivermectin."

How they are able to rewrite history in real time is quite impressive. There are obviously a great number of people with serious memory problems. Although, the selective memory of Google and Government-paid media cannot be overlooked or under-rated.

The significant number of people who swallow this sludge is disturbing.

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The significant number of people with 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 problems is disturbing. They surround us.

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The FDA is corrupted by big Pharma money and the leaders knew exactly what they were doing. They gas lighted real physicians and murdered people by proxy. They need to be tried by a tribunal and put in prison. I’ve got your amnesty right here 🖕🏽.

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The FDA's jurisdiction is over false advertising by Pharma companies. If a pharma company makes a treatment it advertises as "two of these injections prevent you from spreading COVID", but the injections do not actually stop treated people from soreading COVID, and the Pharma company sells the treatment across state lines that's a form of fraud which is within FDA's authority. If FDA refuses to prosecute Pfizer for making these false and fraudulent statements, Congress needs to restructure the FDA for failing to do it's duty. It must be broken up into 50 state-run agencies that have a duty to respond, because clearly it corruptly promoted the spread of disinformation by Pfizer while intruding in the delivery of palliative care by doctors.

One further legal point: None of the palliative treatments for COVID, whether IV fluids, oxygen, cough syrup, Mucinex, or acetaminophen, is FDA-approved to relieve COVID. Every doctor used these meds off-label to treat COVID symptoms and provide relief.

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False advertising also falls under the FTC's responsibility -- for whatever that's worth given the character of these "American" people.

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My point, to make it a little clearer, was that when the FDA was founded in 1905, their _entire_ mission was false advertising by pharma companies and their biggest challenge was mail order wholesalers that sold dried medicinal plants to local pharmacists who compounded medicines from them. The doctors were never part of FDA's mandate. They knew who needed what plant and how much of it. The wholesalers were the problem because they would cheat on the contents. Instead of pure dried digitalis leaves for heart medicine, the crooks would mix in some sawdust. Teddy Roosevelt hired 4 guys to build a lab in the Agriculture Dept Building in DC and put them to work testing samples sent in by complaining pharmacists, asking if the medicine had been adulterated. Since these operators usually shipped wholesale medicine in the mail, more often than not the Postal Inspection Service would make the arrest and the US Attorney would prosecute the case.

So that's been FDA's job from the beginning: Make sure that medicines are what they are advertised to be. Doctors know what they want. FDA's job is to make sure doctors get what they want.

Given that insight into the agency's mission, it is very disturbing to see that the agency is acting as a shill for Pfizer, and that needs to stop.

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Keep up the good work! Don’t let the FDA weasel out of the truth!

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Good article, but misleading title: should have used “proscribing” versus “prescribing”.

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How many needless deaths from this overreach by the CDC and FDA. ? Now lets get accurate reports from VAERS. European data is now removed, who approved that? WHY? Its time for this new GOP CONGRESS to get answers.

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I live in WV & my doctor told me that the corporation of doctors she worked for would not allow her to prescribe Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine.

I called every doctor within an hours drive from me & nobody would prescribe those drugs.

I also called every pharmacy within an hours drive from me & No pharmacy would fill a script for those two drugs.

So even if I could have found a doctor to prescribe those two drugs I wouldn’t have been able to fill them.

So, if this was not government banning what medications I can have access to then who caused them all to ban these drugs???

I have heard the same stories from Minnesota, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia, etc???

I had to order Ivermectin from another country!

America the free is not really free anymore.

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The corruption at every level of government, especially federal government, is at an immensity that cannot be adequately put into words.

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I saw Robert Malone speak in person recently. He said -- exact words -- "The corruption is so pervasive, it's almost boring."

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total BS! doctors were threatened if they prescribed it and pharmacists refused to fill legitimate prescriptions. next they'll say they didn't mean it when they kicked transplant hopefuls off the waiting list, fired people from their jobs, etc. your family might say they didn't really mean it when they said that you couldn't come over for thanksgiving last year

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If the FDA advice against Ivermecvtin was only 'advisory.." how come pharmacists REFUSED to fill their prescription and medicalboards and employers tried to retaliate against these doctors firing them and trying to remove medical licensure privileges and hospital admitting privileges?


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