So many "ifs" to ponder.

But the real question is when. When are those who planned, conspired, coordinated and condoned this psy-op against the American citizen to be held accountable?

GITMO is too good a life for the top of this. But since we've saved all this crude oil, and culled so many chickens recently, maybe a giant tar and feathers party is in order.

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Banana republics are never fixed, only seceded from, collapsed or destroyed.

We need to accept that is what the US is because any other means of fixing it have been corrupted.

And one of those 3 things is inevitable now because we have over 200+ trillion in debts & unfunded liabilities while total national assets both private and government combined are under 178 trillion.

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I have not been part of the defund police movement, but if all these agencies like the 3 letter ones, are pushing ppl to do criminal things, when they otherwise might not have been incited to do so, then maybe we need to defund it all. I’ll govern my house and u govern yours!

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Federal police are all constitutionally illegitimate from day one anyway, as the founders repeatedly affirmed they had granted the federal government NO POLICE POWERS whatsoever. Enforcement of federal law is the explicit responsibility of the militia: AKA state citizens. Yup, read it again.

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There was already footage of the incident on YouTube two years ago. You can see it being clearly staged (analysis).


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Seriously, that video is excellent. I, of course, have no way to verify it, but it is very compelling. It makes perfect sense with the narrative and the flow that the people orchestrating that day to use it for their narratives.

Here's a longer, and I think more detailed, version of that info:


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Wow! The horrible treatment and disregard to justice this FBI & DOJ has done to Jan 6 protesters is absolutely disgusting. Pelosi had this going for 2 years. She’s one of the main offenders and needs indicted (somehow, someway) along with all the agents provoking violence. Not only am I mad, but I’m disgusted and embarrassed to have a government so corrupted. This trial finally proves the corruption of government, MPD, and CapPolice.

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Have known it for a long time. George Webb outed it within a week in a video. He also said Ukrainian Asoff (sp?) guys were brought in from Ukraine for the false flag and were in the crowd. Also the Epoch Times Documentary that came out 6 months ago nailed it too.

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The Obama and Biden mafia must be punished for this unprecedented attack on innocent Americans.

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You know what's sweetest?

That Pelosi rejected all the minority leader's postings to the J6 committee, insisting on seating her own GOP quislings.

So now, when they're all up against the wall for conspiracy and treason, we're rid of the quislings as a bonus!

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Little bits and pieces leak out about what really went down. The interruption of the Electoral vote certification because several were going to dispute them. Tec Cruz and Mike Lee for example. After this sham, everyone just cowed and signed off.

Jan. 6 political prisoners still rotting in DC jail with several not even arranged yet and being treated horribly and tortured.

People already convicted because they couldn't get discovery information like these videos to defend themselves.

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the crimes pay really well ... and absolute power nice perk too ... takes a special kind of creature to run the world into a chemical filled ditch and light it up ... but we should not be surprised and we should know better so what's up with that .... it must be in the water

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Hey Kyle...I enjoy your work. Don’t know if you remember me from Twit back in the day before they censored half the planet! I hear you’ve moved to Dallas recently. Is that true? Welcome!! Let me know if you or your family need recommendations or help with anything.

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