That weasel Fauci of course would be neck deep in this gain of function, conspiracy to hide, and any other corrupt action these so-called scientists involved themselves with. They are evil, arrogant, and pompous. I can hardly wait to see Fauci sworn in and investigate. I want to see him squirm. When he says he can’t remember, which he no doubt will try and pull again, read his own emails to him and hang him dry.

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We have the goods on Fauci in a big way. They tried to float him last week in MSM but it was a lead balloon. He's anchored to his lies. Here's my in-depth analysis of those emails. https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/on-the-sars-cov-2-virus-laboratory

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What is MOST surprising to me is where this story first appears. Why is The Intercept, globalist Pierre Omidyar’s baby, allowed to publish this narrative-bruising story? I hope you can track that down.

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May they rot in hell.

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You know it seems kinda funny that when all the so-called Philthrapists get together they are planning the next pandemic that they invented and not one conviction?

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Damn straight they will.

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