Sure makes it look like they warned the Biden staff weeks ago…. Waited until they had time to clear out anything they wanted to - and then “act” like they raided it.

Only idiots can’t see how this went down.

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You hit the nail on the head. I’m sure they didn’t go through Jill’s underwear drawer or her closet either like they did Melania. The striking difference inch’s two raids shows DOJ’s corruption.

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Our elected officials have lost all control over the permanent government.

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Yup, they're going to show Joe the door and then shriek "Documents! Documents!" to derail Orange Man.

"Yo, we did the right thing and ousted a sitting President, so you guys get rid of Trump and run DeSantis instead. Fair is fair."

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At which point DeSantis will be accused of "throwing Granny off a cliff," "inhumane treatment of his dog," "not paying his taxes" etc etc...they will try to destroy RDS just like all the rest. All the RINOs will abandon him once DJT is out of the picture. They don't like RDS either, he is just a tool.to get rid of DJT.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

13 hrs? FBI in a CYA operation. even powerful Brandon-controller Ron Klain seems intent on leaving the sinking ship - https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/breaking-ron-klain-to-step-down-as-biden-chief-of-staff/

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There really are no words for the blatant hypocrisy. We’re living in a banana republic.

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Since at least Nov. 1963 it would appear.

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The only reason this is happening is because Sleazy Joe's handlers want it to happen. Why now? After all the corruption, why are they actually pursuing Sleazy and his dirty family now?

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What triggered the raid on Trump? Was he asked to hand over documents and he refused? And what ultimately was found? Curious. Sounds like Biden violated the law more.

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At Lance Wallnau Instagram (one of the most well-known Christians who reports on current events) posted this on 1-19: It's Chris Reed giving a prophecy about President Biden being exposed in regards to China’s bribery, "It will be shocking how much their tentacles have been exposed among many of the nation's of the earth and Hunter's laptop." He said he saw boxes being opened and the words 'smoking gun.' "It will prove without a doubt China's money being involved with Biden's campaign. It will show secrets being exposed through the courts." Also, There's a picture of a limousine Lance and his wife were in on 1-20-2017, at President Trump’s inauguration, on fire. They made it out of the limo and weren't injured. Someone had paid for the limo and offered it to Mr. Wallnau because his wife had recently had surgery. Do a search for 'Lance Wallnau limo fire Trump' and ABC News has the picture.

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This old codger is TOAST!

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