Feb 16, 2023Liked by Kyle Becker

Just when I thought I couldn't hate this administration more than yesterday, today arrives and they pour more gasoline on a raging inferno

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no room for assitanc e unless its related to Ukraine

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023

It's all part of the purposeful demorilization.

Like "you can't spread Covid if you are part of a BLM riot", or "you can't leave your home but immigrants can enter the country illegally".

I'm unvaxxed and can't legally enter the US. STILL.

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Indeed, you get it. I wish more people did. 👍

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war by gaslighting, etc....keeps people from full realization...but awareness is growing....

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It's worse than that, we have been in World War 3 since late 2019. It's a class war, the gloves are off and most people still love and defend the people who are literally killing them and their family members and friends. Oh, whilst making trillions off of it.

Covid was the greatest wealth transfer in human history. And still the normies are asleep.

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Makes one wonder, what will it take to shock people awake?

NPCs seem to have infinite capacity to remain asleep. But we don't have much time.

Nothing seems to be working, at scale. Even at individual level the programming is deep. It is actually rather chilling here, to speak with an NPC and hear their responses to verifiable claims, shooting them down like they are some Fact-Checking 'professional' or F/A-22A after a balloon.

And the Monster is surging for the finish line, globally.

Soon, the digital prisons will drop around us and opportunities to defeat the monster will reduce significantly.


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Great work Kyle. I'm alarmed to see that El Gato Malo thinks this is a nothingburger. It isn't.


Some people would be best off sticking to their wheelhouse I guess.

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And the comments he got sure didn’t agree and called him out for his cavalier attitude

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I didn't bother reading them except to agree with someone I am familiar with.

I unsubscribed. Making light of something like this is not cool.

El Gato stopped being relevant a year ago anyway, so nothing of value has been lost.

I was very surprised that post didn't get "ratioed", but apparently brainless followers will hit that like button regardless.

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It was definitely ratioed. Many disagreed and called him out.

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Has America sunk so low in its morals that Biden would do this?

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The level of cruelty and mendacity of the JoeMentia administration is unmatched.

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Boebert nailed it

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Ohio should seize and withhold all federal tax revenue.

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Typical response from anyone in this horrid administration 🤬🤬🤬

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Sleazy Joe and Sneaky Pete should visit New Palestine and guzzle several gallons of tap water. You know, since it's safe and all....

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This is what 5GUW looks like. When maximal casualty infliction is the goal, there will be no meaningful mitigation.

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“Punish your enemies, reward your friends.”


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