The Rainbow Color Revolution Comes to the DNC
"The DNC has predictably erupted into anarchy and chaos, as Antifa communists have overrun the convention in a security breach."
The Rainbow Color Revolution has come to the Chicago DNC.
Radical leftwing groups have flooded into the Windy City, screeching every slogan in the book, from “Free Palestine!” to “Full LGBTQ Rights!” (Who wants to tell them?!)
But don’t let these disparate left-wing groups fool you. They are united by a single cause: Advancing socialism.
"The Party of the Next American Revolution Has Been Founded," one protester’s commie rag blared.
Let’s call this out for what it really is: A counter-revolution. Socialism’s ideas are as ancient as they are discredited. But lest we digress, let’s get to the juicy stuff.
The DNC has predictably erupted into anarchy and chaos, as Antifa communists have overrun the convention in a security breach.
“{Four] protestors have been arrested outside of the DNC,” TPUSA Frontlines reporter Savanah Hernandez reported. “An ANTIFA member immediately breaks down the gate as another protestor shouts ‘we can save her’ referring to one of the arrested protesters.”
Hernandez added that there was a second breach of the gates at the DNC (do walls work now?), which activated the Secret Service.
This DNC “insurrection” bears all the hallmarks of a nascent “color revolution.”
Eurasia Review provides a very useful definition and overview of this term:
Color revolutions are political term used to describe turbulent political events: mass street protests and riots in order to achieve a revolutionary change of government. […]
Color revolutions broke out in the countries of the former Soviet Union, in the Balkans, in the Middle East, and more recently in other places such as Iran and China. The most popular revolutions ares: the Pink Revolution in Georgia in 2003, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004, the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan in 2005, and the Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine in 2014. Some observers called the events a revolutionary wave whose beginnings can be traced back to 1986 and the Philippine Yellow Revolution.
Let’s call this one the “Rainbow Color Revolution.”
This is how it works: Radical organizers bus in rent-a-mobs to the scenes of organized protests, such as at the DNC. Then Antifa operatives work the crowds to radicalize and escalate them for “political action.”
The Antifa mob’s tactics at the Chicago DNC are reminiscent of the way the socialist terrorist group infiltrated the Black Lives Matter movement to stage violent rioting that forced then President Donald Trump into a nuclear fallout shelter.
More than 150 local, Secret Service and other federal officers were injured in violent melees with the far-left extremists in June 2020.
Four years later, Antifa is at it again, this time by infiltrating Pro-Hamas groups shouting to “Free, Free Palestine!” We should probably worry about freeing America First.
So, what is going on here? Well, it’s a Rainbow Coalition gone wild. If you follow communism expert Trevor Loudon, he breaks it down brilliantly. Kamala Harris, you see, is backed to the hilt by Steve Phillips’ PowerPAC, which was also behind (you guessed it) Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push Coalition.
Here is Kamala Harris praising PowerPAC for backing her every step of the way during her political campaigns.
“Steve Phillips’ goal is to use America’s minorities to create a ‘permanent progressive majority,’ in other words, a ‘one-party state’,” Loudon says. “Given his own Marxist-Leninist history and the similar backgrounds of most of his team, we can guess what kind of state that might be.”
Indeed. One with price controls, regressive corporate taxes, and the nationalization of property, including patents.
This is Critical Theory on full display. If you’re not up to speed, Critical Theory is a technique by which socialist revolutionaries recruit and mobilize "the oppressed" against "the oppressors."
The genius of Critical Theory is that it creates a false veneer that these are separate and distinct groups, when they are actually held together by the common purpose of fomenting a socialist revolution.
This propaganda technique lowers a nation's ability to perceive the threat before it is too late. The groups then activate and align in the common goal of overthrowing the system in a fake populist or "color revolution." More on this later.
Now, Chicago has granted permits to a number of far-left groups to protest the DNC. Among the groups intending to protest, permits or no permits:
Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws
U.S. Palestinian Community Network
Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
Students for a Democratic Society at UIC
Reparations for Descendants of Enslaved Africa
March for People's Agenda
Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
The U.S. Palestinian Community Network is at the forefront of the Chicago protests. Hatem Abudayyeh, chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, once referred to Biden as “Genocide Joe,” but he has coined a new epithet for the next Democrat to top the party ticket: “Killer Kamala.”
“It’s still about ending the genocide,” he told the Washington Post. “Our target is the Democratic Party and the leadership of the party and ‘Killer Kamala’ is one of them.” Abudayyeh adds, “we feel that their administration is responsible for this ongoing war and genocide. We just couldn’t think of a name for Antony Blinken.”
Nobody forced Hamas to massacre innocent civilians on October 7, for the record.
But there is suspicion among some political observers that these openly socialist protests are a way of running interference for a far-left senator who is being accused of pursuing communist policies.
After all, the left-wing Astroturf is merely providing cover for a socialist “revolution from above.”
The far-left uprising at the DNC gives “Kommiela Harris” plausible deniability to claim that she is not a socialist fellow-traveler (of course, she is).
Vivek Ramaswamy raises a fascinating point: “I’m a tad skeptical of how organic some of these ‘protests’ at the DNC really are. The Dems are desperate to recast Kamala Harris as a moderate, “centrist” candidate, so the sudden criticism from the far left seems…oddly convenient.”
It’s “funny” he should mention this, since the entire Democratic Party campaign for president reads like a “psyop.” Mike Benz recently gave an amazing overview of a declassified CIA psychological operations manual that was given to the Nicaraguan Contras to overthrow the communist regime.
The Tayacán manual reads like a modern how-to manual for a Democrat-led operation to overthrow the U.S.’ Constitutional system of government.
The main passages to pay attention to for these purposes involve the use of “front” organizations. Note how it relies on using an Alinskyite technique in “Rules for Radicals” of recruiting “professionals” who are actually paid operatives.
In its “control of meetings and mass assemblies” section, it talks about the use of a “cover commando element, bodyguards, messengers, shock troops, poster carriers, and slogan shouters.”
“When the cadres are placed in or recruited from organizations… they will begin to manipulate the groups’ objectives,” the manual continues. “The psychological apparatus of our movement, by means of these internal cadres, will prepare a mental attitude which, at the crucial moment, could become involved in a fury of justified violence.”
Now, let’s revisit the analysis of “Colored Revolution.” The Eurasia Review, again, provides an excellent overview.
The true definition of color revolutions would be that they are technologies for creating a coup and gaining control of the political situation in a certain country from abroad, under conditions of political instability, with pressure on the government through political blackmail using the youth protest movement as a means. The goal of every color revolution is a coup d’etat, or the conquest and maintenance of power by force. Despite the great differences between the countries where revolutions break out (geopolitical, social, economic and other), they all fall under the same scheme that includes the pattern of organizing a protest movement, transforming that movement into a political crowd and using the newly formed popular mass against the existing government as a means of political blackmail.
The CIA has been involved in numerous “colored revolutions” abroad (including in Ukraine), but the Obama CIA (run by communist John Brennan) turned the deep state against Americans.
[T]hey are no less dangerous than local civil wars that arose due to authentic local reasons. That is precisely such revolutions are often the triggers of wars – for example in Syria, Libya and Ukraine. Color revolutions are very often instruments for the destruction of democratic governments in transition. In revolutions, government is the goal and political change is the goal. It would be fair to say that the Americans have not only created a political model for export but also special means to break (un)democratic systems if necessary. They represent a hard power that is admittedly softer than wars (between countries).
There are two popular explanations for why “colored revolutions” happen. We will skip over the “spontaneous” version and proceed straight to the “organized” version.
[T]he revolutions were staged and planned in detail. The same characteristics and scenarios were repeated in countries that have almost nothing in common. Although colored may resemble classical revolutions, they are not. Any resemblance is superficial. Real revolutions are spontaneous and come at some point in historical development, while colored revolutions are staged and carefully planned.
The staged scenario of color revolutions is based on the Anglo-Saxon philosophy of democratization designed to export the democratic political model and democratic institutions around the world. Wherever they emerge, one should look for traces of the Western mentality. Everything follows the same pattern. There is always a youth movement, revolutionary leaders are always similar, and revolutions lack content or revolutionary ideology. It is about the people suddenly rebelling against “evil dictators” and apart from general calls for democracy, everything else is lacking or non-existent. This shows that the Americans and other foreigners behind the revolutions do not know the mentality and psychology of the native population very well.
Now, we will turn to the stages of a “colored revolution” and compare to the CIA psychological warfare tactics referenced above.
According to Gene Sharp, an American expert on non-violent struggle and a kind of father of colored revolutions, colored revolutions are led by the principle that power structures (the government) rely on their subjects (the people) – the obedience of the people enables the rulers to rule the country. If the subordinates do not submit to the authorities, the authorities lose their power in the state. According to Sharp, classical color revolutions consist of three stages. The first stage includes the creation of an “underground” movement of cells that together form a network of those dissatisfied with the ruling regime. Members are recruited with big slogans and calls to action. A network of mostly young disaffected suddenly leaves anonymity and appears on the streets of big cities in response to a certain signal. The protests want to present themselves as something spontaneous, but in fact everything was prepared earlier.
The most prevalent “spark” of a colored revolution? “Rigged” elections.
Most often, protests erupt due to some reason, such as the questionable irregularity of elections (Serbia 2000, Georgia 2003, Ukraine 2004, Russia 2012), a shocking and unexpected event, for example, the self-immolation of a seller in Tunisia in 2010, or Ukraine’s delay in the implementation of the Association Agreement EU 2013. Members of underground cells become the initiators of the rebellion. Protests, gatherings, marches, setting up fences follow. The people realize that the government may be legal but it is illegitimate and forms an anti-government movement that becomes the driving force of the future revolutionary regime change. Of course, the initiators of the protest do everything carefully and organize the majority who really believe in the proclaimed ideals. People wouldn’t be so rampant in the streets knowing they were tools in the hands of the CIA or MI6. A political crowd forms and protests last for days or weeks in the main city squares.
The protesters discredit and intimidate law enforcement and security forces to break their will to defend the “illegitimate” regime.
In the second stage, the goal is to discredit defense, security and law and order bodies through strikes, civil disobedience, riots and sabotage. Protesters are occupying city squares and streets that they do not want to leave until their demands are met. The protestors are organized by the logistics network. In the name of the masses, the protesters give an ultimatum to the government and threaten mass uprisings if they are not satisfied. The government has two choices: retaliate with force or accept the demands.
Then comes the final stage: A coup.
The third and final phase follows, which entails the “non-violent” overthrow of the government. In fact, it is about open attacks on authorities and the occupation of government buildings, institutions and other components or symbols of government. A kind of civil assault on the “organism” of the existing political order. If the government strikes the protesters with force, the media will accuse it of crimes and killing peaceful protesters, while if it agrees to concessions, it will be swept away very quickly because the protesters will not agree to compromises.
These “colored revolution” tactics appear on their face to mirror the observed behavior on January 6. When one considers how much these “Trump supporting” groups followed the colored revolution and CIA psyop playbooks, one has to wonder if Americans’ own government was complicit.
Ahead of the 2024 election, we are full speed ahead towards a potential flashpoint that could usher in a Rainbow Color Revolution. The Chicago DNC is a preview.
Same anarchists that strong armed Seattle during “the Summer of Love.” Andy Ngo unmasked them, and your work has exposed the tactics and practices of the war lords behind this movement. Thank you. Studying their strategies is the only way we can stop the bullies who intend to destroy those they can’t control.
Excellent job Kyle. Nicely put together Article.