SCOTUS: 19 STATES are Now Demanding Justice After Unlawful 2020 Elections
18 states back Texas in high stakes showdown with four swing states.
After a year that saw the nation racked by COVID-19, it just may be 19 red states that help redeem it.

Texas was joined in its lawsuit against Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia by more than one-third of America’s states that seek justice.

The Texas lawsuit dropped yesterday like a bolt out of the blue.

This morning, the Supreme Court confirmed that 17 AG’s were backing Texas’s lawsuit. This does *not* mean the same thing as “joining” a suit to become a party in a case.

Today, it picked up more momentum, as Florida’s AG formally supported it.

Then Arizona’s AG issued a controversial statement, along with its announcement that it would likely file an amicus brief if SCOTUS took up Texas’s case.

President Trump announced that he was ‘intervening’ in the Texas lawsuit.

Then a report came that he is recruiting none other than Senator Ted Cruz to argue the case if the Supreme Court takes it up for hearings.

The case to make that these four swing states violated their own election laws and the U.S. Constitution is not a difficult one to make.

The remedy, however, is infinitely more difficult.

If the Supreme Court attempts to dodge the case because it cannot easily proscribe a legal remedy, it will be turning a blind eye to ostensibly grave injustice.

Millions of Americans are turning to the SCOTUS to begin rectifying massive injustices that are being inflicted on the public.
Today, one of the Big Tech giants, Youtube/Google, announced it will simply delete videos critical of the 2020 election process on their platform.

The announcement states that it will be connecting people to ‘authoritarian information’ about the 2020 elections. This is a harrowing turn-of-events.

There is hardly a more apt term to describe this behavior than ‘fascistic.’

This kind of behavior would backfire anyway, even if it were well-intentioned (it’s not).

The Youtube/Google news comes as the liberal media is in its death throes and desperately trying to cling to power.

But today, we saw some organized pushback against Facebook for its ‘anticompetitive’ practices. The social media giant is being sued.

Zueckerberg dropped hundreds of millions in the 2020 election. Seemingly all of it went to GOTV operations in heavy blue districts.

This sets up one of the biggest ironies of the 2020 election.

So, after four years of non-stop conspiracy theorizing by radical leftists who refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and who postulated the most despicable conspiracy theories about President Trump, outright calling him a ‘traitor’ and worse, we’re suddenly supposed to accept that it is Verboten to call out election fraud allegations that are backed up by dozens and dozens of sworn witness affidavits, not to overlook the loads of election data & political observations that show how highly unlikely it is that Joe Biden won over 80 million votes and all these close swing states?
We’re supposed to simply shrug and ignore the obvious fact that these states violated their election laws and the U.S. Constitution?

This is much bigger than Trump versus Biden. This is about America. This is about the truth. And this is about Justice.
The Supreme Court will deliver justice in this case or it will cease to be about Justice.
Good stuff, Kyle. Appreciate all you're doing. Truth always prevails and my prayer is that it will prevail in real time and not tarry...
Or it will cease to be.