President Biden Now Credibly Accused of Ordering Russian Pipeline Bombings, Committing 'Act of War'
"Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community."
Listen to this story below:
Biden is now directly accused of having ordered the Russian pipelines to be destroyed last September.
This was an Act of War. The ultimate decision came down from on high — straight from the Biden White House. It was made without informing the American people or consulting with Congress.
It nonetheless escalates the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine against the nuclear-armed adversary of Russia. It was also an indirect attack on the German people, an ostensible violation of Article V NATO principles.
Beyond this, it was a violation of international law under the UN Law of the Seas; an act of piracy that destroyed critical infrastructure leading to an environmental disaster.
President Joe Biden, if a highly plausible report from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh can be relied upon, surely knew.
Biden not only knew in general about the plot to blow up Nord Stream 2, the report states, but he called the operational shots on a CIA-planned and Navy-executed covert mission with the potential to embroil the United States in a massive international scandal leading the West into a hot war with its Cold War adversary Russia.
The secret mission’s operational details are Clancyesque, but its surreal conceit is purely Kubrickian. It is as if Dr. Strangelove snuck into the Biden ‘war room’ and advised the president on a sure way to thrust the world into nuclear war.
The author of the piece, Seymour Hersh, is a Pulitzer-Prize a highly credentialed, hardnosed, old school, Vietnam-Era journalist who the left-wing literati adore. Listen to this clip of accolades, compiled by investigative journalist Kanekoa:

And as we will hear later from a veteran weapons inspector, Hersh’s reporting can be, quote “taken to the bank.”
But we’ll have to come to this conclusion ourselves. The substance of the Hersh report is difficult, but not impossible to corroborate. It relies upon a highly placed covert source, who did not come forward for the convincing reason it required divulging information to the public that is considered “top secret.” Here is the lede:
“Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.”
“Two of the pipelines, which were known collectively as Nord Stream 1, had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with cheap Russian natural gas for more than a decade. A second pair of pipelines, called Nord Stream 2, had been built but were not yet operational.”
The White House, for that matter, has blasted the reporting as “false and complete fiction.” A CIA Spox bemoaned the claim as “completely and utterly false.”
We’ll see about that. The problem with “plausible deniability” for this White House is that you don’t get its benefit when you wantonly lie to the American people on everything from the Covid shots to Hunter Biden’s laptop being alleged “Russian disinformation.”
In the planning stages, the inside source told Hersh that it originated in December of 2021, before the Russians even invaded. We have to pause and think about that. The Biden administration was planning to blow Nordstream 2.
“In December of 2021, two months before the first Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, Jake Sullivan convened a meeting of a newly formed task force—men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State and Treasury Departments—and asked for recommendations about how to respond to Putin’s impending invasion.”
“What became clear to participants, according to the source with direct knowledge of the process, is that Sullivan intended for the group to come up with a plan for the destruction of the two Nord Stream pipelines—and that he was delivering on the desires of the President.”
It is at the point that Hersh drives home the CIA and the White House fully grasp that the cover being blown on the operation would reveal a quote, “Act of War.”
“The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert. Everyone involved understood the stakes.”
“This is not kiddie stuff,” the source said. If the attack were traceable to the United States, “It’s an act of war.”
No wonder Russia is now jumping on the Hersh report and demanding a full investigation with its own access to survey the wreckage, something that it has thus far been denied.
But there were some intelligent people in the so-called intelligence community, ironically, who cautioned the White House against doing this.
Over the next few weeks, members of the CIA’s working group began to craft a plan for a covert operation that would use deep-sea divers to trigger an explosion along the pipeline.
Throughout “all of this scheming,” the source said, “some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.’”
Stupid and reckless. Now it is out and we can only hope that the political nightmare for the American people is not beginning.
So the CIA working group nonetheless, throwing caution to the wind, reported back to Jake Sullivan’s interagency group, saying “we have a way to blow up the pipelines.”
It didn’t take long for Biden to smugly blow the cover of the operation in a February 7 announcement that came only three weeks before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

That was twenty days after Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland had fired a similar warning shot at the Russians. Listen:

The plans were already being laid. It would be based out of Norway. As Hersh’s source puts it, “They hated the Russians, and the Norwegian navy was full of superb sailors and divers who had generations of experience in highly profitable deep-sea oil and gas exploration.”
The Norwegians came up with the perfect cover: A NATO exercise that is held every June in the North sea that involves mine-laying, detection, and removal.
The at-sea event, the report states, was held off the coast of Bornholm Island, which is coincidentally near the location where the pipelines would later be blown up.
The logistics of the attack were tricky. It involved planting C4 on the pipelines, later activated by a sonar buoy that dispatches a frequency code to blow the explosives. This sonar buoy would be dropped by a Norwegian Navy P8 surveillance plane on September 26, 2022.
The rest is very stupid history.
Later, Secretary of State Tony Blinken would have a bizarre reaction to the incident. He called it a “tremendous opportunity.”
As Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin would later tell Blinken at a Senate Hearing, that explanation, quote “literally makes no sense.” Blinken’s reaction was also shredded by a Columbia professor named Jeffrey Sachs in a Bloomberg interview in October that now seems positively prescient.
“The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, which I would bet was a US action, perhaps, the US and, and Poland…” Sachs began.
“Right, Jeff? Jeff, we gotta stop there,” the Bloomberg host interrupted. “That’s, that’s quite a statement,as well. Why do you feel absolutely, that that was a US action? What evidence do you have of that?”
“Well, first of all, there’s direct radar evidence that US helicopters, military helicopters that are normally based in Gdansk, were circling over this area,” Sachs answered. ”We also had the threats from the United States earlier in this year that one way or another, we are going to end Nord Stream.”
“We also have a remarkable statement by Secretary Blinken last Friday in a press conference,” Sachs continued. “He says, ‘This is also a tremendous opportunity.’ It’s a strange way to… Sorry. It’s a strange way to talk if you’re worried about the piracy on international infrastructure of vital significance.”
“So, I know this runs counter to our narrative… You’re not allowed to say these things in the West,” the professor added. “But the fact of the matter is all over the world, when I talk to people, they think the US did it. That just has value. And, and by the way, even reporters on our papers that are involved, tell me privately. Well, of course, but it doesn’t show up in our, our media.”
As an international relations scholar specializing in Russian affairs, it never made sense to me that Russia would sabotage its own pipeline. Putin is an international pariah, and he would know better than to seek sympathy from the Western media, which is strongly influenced by their respective intelligence communities, as well as globalist organizations like the United Nations, nato, and its EU allies would be carrying out 5G warfare, basically mass media, PSYOPs and Putin would be going old school, realpolitik, drawing on his regional grand strategy to use pipeline politics to hold together the vestiges of the collapsed Soviet Empire, which formally dissolved at the end of the Cold War.
And as a journalist who worked in Moscow and reported on the energy sector for a private economic news agency, it never made sense to me why Russians would blow up their own pipeline, crippling a critical segment of their state funding, and also cutting off profits from well-connected oligarchs.
Juxtaposed against this believable analysis is that of so-called media experts, like Rebekah Koffler, a former defense intelligence officer and author of “Putin’s Playbook,” who was quote ’99 percent sure it was Russia.’
Then of course there is John Brennan, who made the rounds and appeared on CNN, where he was confronted with the inconsistencies in the Nordstream 2 narrative. Listen as Brennan hedges his words and even jumps trains of thought with non-sequiturs to avoid a direct answer:
“Do you think Russia's behind the sabotage of the pipelines?” Brianna Keilar asked.
“Well, I think all the signs point to some type of sabotage,” Brennan replied. “These pipelines are only in about 200 feet or so of water, and Russia does have an undersea capability to, that would easily lay explosive devices by those pipelines. And I do think it's a signal to Europe that Russia can reach beyond Ukraine's borders. so who knows what he might be planning next, but I think this is clearly a, a, an act of sabotage of some sort. And, and Russia is certainly the most likely co suspect.”
“Why blow up their own pipelines if they can obviously just cut off the gas flowing from them?” Keilar pressed.
“Well, there's been no gas flowing through those pipelines, although there's some gas that's been pent up in them,” he went on. “That's why we've had the methane release. But there's also pipelines that are going into Europe that are bringing gas from Norway. And so it won't take much if fresher decides to go after the other pipelines that are bringing gas in into Europe. So I, I think this might be a, a, again, a, a sign that Russia is intent on doing whatever it believes it needs to do in order to weaken a European resolve. but I, I think this might be just the, the first salvo of some additional things that might be coming to toward Europe.”
This only raises more questions, beyond how the intel analyst with a communist background got a top secret security clearance, let alone became director of the CIA.
One U.N. Weapons Inspector, famous during the Iraq War, named Scott Ritter, said in an interview on the Kim Iverson show on Rumble that the ramifications of this is beyond a mere ‘act of war’ against Russia. He also averred the Hersh’s reporting could be “taken to the bank.”
Now, remember these salient facts. First, the U.S. has been ramping up its Liquefied Natural Gas or LNG shipments to Europe since the middle of the Trump administration.
Second, the Biden administration refused to implement sanctions on the Russian gas pipeline that then-President Volodymyr Zelensky argued was the ‘last best chance’ to stop a war.
Third, the actual detonation of the pipelines, which would come later in September 2022 would occur within a week of the opening of the rival Baltic Pipeline spanning the Norwegian sector of the North Sea and landing in Poland via the Baltic Sea.
Fourth, Norway was vital to the operation. Norwegian divers even took part in it, according to the report. Norway stood to gain from the Nord Stream 2 explosion.
Fifth, the Biden administration gave Germany a way to get off Russian gas without directly angering its civilian population, which would pay more for energy prices. And in the wake of the Nordstream 2 bombing, Germans protested in the streets.
So Cui bono? Who benefits? The Norwegians, Ukraine, NATO and the Biden administration.
Who loses? Russia, the American people, and the peace-loving global community.
There you have it. The U.S. had the means, motive, and opportunity to take out the Russian Nord Stream pipelines. It is now on the Congress to hold a full investigation of this matter, which entails no less than a President imperiling U.S. national security with a reckless act of war, while aiming to deceive the United States and drag the American people into a hot war with a nuclear-armed power.
It is almost beside the point to call for President Biden’s impeachment. He never should have been elected in the first place and it is now up to us to survive his disastrous presidency.
"It is like Dr. Strangelove snuck into the Biden ‘war room’ and advised the president on a sure way to thrust the world into nuclear war." Great analogy. But isnt that exactly what the war machine wants, perpetual war to fuel the MIC gravy train as Ike warned us about?
O’ BIDEN ...!!