Here are the 13 Worst Media Meltdowns Over the SCOTUS Ruling Defending Americans' Gun Rights
"A dark day in America. This is a dangerous decision from a court hell bent on pushing a radical ideological agenda and infringing on the rights of states"...
The Supreme Court decision on Thursday upholding American citizens' right to concealed carry firearms outside of their homes has sent the left-wing media into a tizzy.
The angry torrent of rage spilled forth from blue check Twitter, where Auron MacIntyre did the yeoman's job of compiling the worst "blue check meltdowns" in an epic thread. R
Read: "Worst blue check meltdowns over the SCOTUS gun ruling" 🧵/1
The Supreme Court decision bodes ill for the gun control package being rammed through Congress. There are passages in today's decision that suggest the "red flag" laws that would deny Americans' rights without due process would indeed be considered unconstitutional. A 'dark day' for the radical left, indeed.
I love to see their meltdowns. The principle all of them miss is why they allow 9 justices in black robes to make these decisions in the first place. Ours is a government of “we the people.” The Founding Fathers, in their brilliant wisdom gave us the system to change both our Constitution and our laws in a federal republic. Progressives love the Court when it bypasses this system in decisions favorable to Progressive aims and hate the Court when it decides against their interests. Quit depending on the Court; change the Constitution, and thus the law with the system our Founding Fathers gave us. But, fundamentally, progressives don’t want the rule of law, they want tyrannical edicts, thus they are drawn to edicts from the Court - when those edicts support their ends. It’s the lazy tyrants way.
Notice how NOBODY talks about Chicago???!!!!!!!!!!