Georgia is Now 'Certifiably' Insane
The State's 2020 Election Results are Beyond 'Suspect' Ahead of Senate Special Elections as Multiple Damning Irregularities Surface
The state of Georgia can be best summed up with one word: Insane.
The state has once again recertified its unlawful votes.
We earlier covered the “smoking gun” video at State Vote Farm Arena.
Today came another fact-check, this time from The Federalist’s Mollie Hemmingway.
Hemingway backs up my assessment that the “fact check” debunking the State Vote Farm Video failed to meet the requisite qualification of actually ‘debunking’ it.
The fraudulent behavior caught on candid camera corresponds with impossible voter dumps in Fulton County late at night.
Remember, this was after Fulton County officials closed up shop according to multiple reports and were supposed to be ‘done.’ Like this one.
And this one.
And this video report from the night of the election.
The dam has burst. And it’s not some busted toilet at State Farm Arena that was falsely described as a ‘water main’ breaking.
The Epoch Times’ Jeff Carlson had the same reaction I did to reading the GA Sec. of State’s cover-up document on the Fulton Farm video. It’s full of gaps and inconsistencies.
So, the question now for the Georgia Secretary of State: Why you always' lyin’?
But this is not even the craziest thing to happen in Georgia today. Stick with me for a minute, because this is actually nuts.
It’s called “adjudication.” That’s how these Georgia election officials are flushing down the toilet all the potential evidence proving election fraud happened in these Democrat-run counties.
It’s not just Fulton County, but also Gwinnett County using this process that screams *blaring red sirens* that all is not right in the state of Georgia.
This process was meant to be used for hundreds or thousands of ballots. Not hundreds of thousands of ballots.
Adjudication is one possible way to remove evidence from all of these ballots. The ‘intent’ of the voters is ‘adjudicated’ by a panel of officials.
This panel could be wiping clean any evidence of unlawful votes as we speak.
And here’s a big question: How many of these votes will be decided for Biden?
It just so happens that Dominion Voting Systems specializes in this feature.
This is but one example. There are several more. Just on the process of adjudication.
This is a virtually unaccountable way for a panel of election officials to decide that mail-in votes went for a certain candidate.
But Georgia is ignoring any and all voting irregularities, including the data investigation by Matt Braynard, and deciding all of these mail-in votes are ‘fine.’
Add to this the extremely damning report of vote-switching in Ware County.
Senator Lindsey Graham may mean well with his call for a signature audit, but it will take a lot more than that.
It may be moot now that hundreds of thousands of votes are being “adjudicated.”
It will take the sequestration of voting machines and forensic audits to get to the bottom of this.
Remember: We were warned about these voting machines before the election. No wonder Americans aren’t trusting the election system right now. A great article in the Epoch Times by James Bowman explains why.
And lastly, for a bit of promising news, ahead of December 8th, the so-called “safe harbor” date for states to certify elections.
Arizona is bringing an important challenge to the AZ Supreme Court.
And of course, the granddaddy of them all, the PA challenge to SCOTUS, which Senator Ted Cruz has agreed to give oral arguments for, if Justice Alito accepts it.
We will find out what the Supreme Court decides tomorrow.
Really brings things into focus seeing it all compiled in one place. Thanks Kyle.
Guess I lost my comment. Amateur hour.
This is Gaslighting, a form of mind control which seeks to dissuade us from believing our own senses, our own eyes, our own perceptions. Proven effective. Stay smart!