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Fauci's Day of Reckoning: Former Top Covid Doc's Many Lies Get Wrecked at Coronavirus Hearings

"Dr. Deborah Birx confirmed was in fact gain-of-function, contrary to statements by Dr. Fauci.”

We have a good idea from today’s Covid hearings why Dr. Anthony Fauci cashed in his Big Pharma royalties and road off into the sunset before the Republicans took over the House.

The House's Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held hearings today that eviscerated Fauci’s numerous lies on SARS-CoV-2 origins.

Subcommittee Chair Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) led off the hearings with a sober fact-sheet that laid the nation’s former top Covid doc’s numerous lies to waste. (Read and/or watch the video above.)

“The truth is we don't know the origins of Covid 19 yet for sure. We don't have a smoking gun,” Wenstrup said.

“First, the science behind Covid-19,” he continued. “The genome of Covid-19 is inconsistent with expectations and is unique for its group of viruses. Covid-19 has both a binding domain optimized for human cells and a furin cleavage site, or a small part of the virus that makes it so infectious that has never been seen before in a SARS-related virus. In other words, Covid-19 has unique characteristics that made it very infectious to humans. These have never been seen before in any other viruses of its type. Most viral outbreaks are slow and small. CDC data shows SARS-infected approximately 8,000 people worldwide and eight in the US, similar with MERS, which infected approximately 2,000 people worldwide. But Covid-19 was primed for human transmission.”

“It has infected more than 750 million people worldwide,” Wenstrup added. “Dr. Redfield, one of our witnesses here today, and a virologist has even said he believes Covid-19 had a detour from nature to be educated how to infect humans.”

“Second, the known research occurring in China,” he went on. “We know the Wuhan Institute of Virology was conducting gain of function research on novel bat coronaviruses by creating chimeric viruses, combining two viruses together to test infectivity and infecting mice with these viruses work that former Covid-19 task force coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx confirmed was in fact gain-of-function contrary to statements by Dr. Fauci.”

“We have learned that the Wuhan Institute has poor biosafety and was conducting this research at only biosafety level two, described as ‘the Wild West’ by Dr. Jeremy Farrar, a virologist from the UK, now chief scientist for the WHO,” he added. “We have learned through a leaked DARPA grant application that with US taxpayer backing the Wuhan Institute proposed inserting furin-cleaved sites into novel coronaviruses.”

“The same unique genetic aspect of Covid-19, and we know according to a State Department fact sheet, the multiple researchers that the Wuhan Institute were sick with Covid-19 like symptoms in the fall of 2019 before the Chinese officially announced the outbreak,” he noted.

“Third, concerning actions of NIH and EcoHealth Alliance records show that the National Institutes of Health, while the US was under a moratorium on gain of function research, exempted EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute from this very ban,” he continued. “Records show that the National Institutes of Health allowed EcoHealth to conduct risky research on novel coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute without going through the potential pandemic pathogen department level review board. Records show that EcoHealth violated federal grant policy and failed to file its five year progress report for more than two years. Records show that EcoHealth violated the terms of its grant and failed to report an experiment that resulted in gain of function of a coronavirus at the Wuhan Institute.”

“Fourth, for some reason that we do not yet know, leaders in the scientific community took action to attempt to convince the world that they should not take the lab leak theory seriously,” he added. “Dr. Francis Collins stated he was more concerned with harm to international harmony than he was with investigating the lab leak. Dr. Fauci said the lab leak theory was a shiny object that will go away in time. The president of EcoHealth, Dr. Peter Daszak, orchestrated a letter in the Lancet that called the lab leak a ‘conspiracy theory, a statement that directly benefited Dr. Daszak himself. And four scientists after a conference call with Dr. Fauci completely reversed their position. Dr. Kristian Andersen said he found the genome inconsistent with evolutionary theory, and Dr. Robert Garry said he really can't think of a possible natural scenario, but a few days later published a paper saying the exact opposite a paper based… on the new emails we released, claim to be prompted by Dr. Fauci himself.”

“And fifth, the intelligence,” he said. “FBI Director Christopher Wray, confirmed publicly that the FBI assesses Covid-19 most likely originated from lab incident in Wuhan. And the Wall Street Journal reported the Department of Energy now also believes a lab leak is the most likely origin. These aren't run-of-the-mill agencies. The FBI used experts in biological threats and was reportedly supported by the National Bioforensic Analysis Center, and the Department of Energy used its own Z Division experts in investigating biological threats. These are some of the facts as we know them, but there's so much more to do. We are here today to try and understand what and why it's important to conduct this investigation.”

“Discovering the origins is vital,” Wenstrup said. “It matters for the future of the world, and we aren't finished. We're just beginning.”

After Wenstrup set the stage with the documented facts, lawmakers and witnesses lined up to rip Fauci for misleading the American public.

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield shredded the “Proximal Origins” paper that Fauci had played a hand in.

Redfield told Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that he was excluded from discussions on the lab leak theory and he believes SARS-CoV-2 was likely created due to gain of function.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) then laid into Fauci for deceiving the public.

"He was trying to cover his backside, and everybody knows it,” Jordan said. “This is the highest paid guy in our govt. getting all kinds of money to tell us things that were not accurate. US tax dollars went to a lab in China, a lab that was not up to code, a lab that was doing gain of function research, and that's where this thing most definitely came from and Dr. Fauci could not have that news getting out."

Even FBI Director Wray weighed in.

“The FBI has long assessed, going all the way back to the summer of 2021, that the origin of the pandemic was likely a lab incident in Wuhan,” Wray said.

The Covid cover-up is being blown wide open due to the Department of Energy report, the FBI’s statements, and these Covid hearings.

It’s been a very bad week for state-approved narratives. And if this Covid hearing is any indication, the truth-tellers are only getting started.

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