
Are We 'Sleepwalking' Our Way into World War 3?

"Always watch out in world history for when empires are rising and empires are declining. And what we've seen in America now is an empire on the decline."

"Now the American public may certainly be sleepwalking its way into World War III, but there's plenty to suggest that there is a grand strategy behind it."

"The bigger picture is that the United States is a war machine for a strategy to break down international resistance to integration into a globalist core run by Western elites. And that means war against holdout regimes such as Russia and Iran."

"The battlefronts for this power struggle are the periphery and the semi-periphery nations such as Ukraine and the remainder of the seven countries listed above."

"Now, the power struggle to integrate those states into what we can cynically refer to as the 'rules-based order' is the actual underlying cause for this conflict."

"China is the ultimate in navigating this terrain. It's playing both sides by feigning to support this global integration strategy while allowing the West to overextend itself as it subverts it from within."

"This grand strategy has evolved now to mean 5G warfare, which entails intense propaganda and censorship to mobilize international action against resistant regimes."

"It is thus horrifying and predictable how this will all unfold."

"Why would the elites start World War 3?"

"Well, first, it provides a distraction and an escape route for the immense amount of damage that they have intentionally done to the U.S."

"So, for a government that is causing disasters, the ultimate solution is war."

"We're no longer in a unipolar world after the formal decline of the USSR. We're in an increasingly multipolar world, and historically this means destabilization."

"Always watch out in world history for when empires are rising and empires are declining. And what we've seen in America now is an empire on the decline."